subpoena 英 [səˈpi:nə]   美 [səˈpinə]


subpoena  英 [səˈpi:nə] 美 [səˈpinə]

vt. 传唤,传审;传讯  n. 传票 

进行时:subpoenaing  过去式:subpoenaed  过去分词:subpoenaed  第三人称单数:subpoenas  名词复数:subpoenas 

Currently, courts are divided on whether access to location information requires a warrant or a subpoena. 目前,法院在是需要授权令还是传票才能获得个人信息方面存在分歧。
Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. separately received a subpoena from the same office for related documents on Toyota models, including the company’s disclosure policies. 美国丰田发动机销售公司,也分别收到来自同一办事处要求有关丰田车型,以及公司信息披露政策方面文件的传票。

  • A subpoena is a document that requires its recipient to appear in court as a witness. If you receive a subpoena, it doesn't mean you've done anything wrong; it just means you may have information that's needed by the court.
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  • vt. 传唤,传审;传讯
  • n. 传票
  • 1. Currently, courts are divided on whether access to location information requires a warrant or a subpoena.


  • 2. Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A. separately received a subpoena from the same office for related documents on Toyota models, including the company’s disclosure policies.


  • 3. The inquiry will have subpoena power and will look into possible criminal or civil violations by the operators of the drilling rig, Transocean, a Swiss company, and related companies.


  • subpoena (n.) early 15c., sub pena, from Medieval Latin sub poena "under penalty," the first words of the writ commanding the presence of someone under penalty of failure, from Latin sub "under" (see sub-) + poena, ablative of poena "penalty" (see penal). The verb is attested from 1630s.
sub·poena / səˈpiːnə ; NAmE səˈpiːnə / noun , verb subpoena subpoenas subpoenaed subpoena'd subpoenaing noun ( law ) a written order to attend court as a witness to give evidence (传唤证人出庭的)传票 verb subpoenasb (to do sth) ( law ) to order sb to attend court and give evidence as a witness 以传票传唤(证人出庭) The court subpoenaed her to appear as a witness. 法庭传唤她出庭作证。 collocationsat justice sub·poena / səˈpiːnə ; NAmE səˈpiːnə /
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