subscribe 英 [səbˈskraɪb]   美 [səbˈskraɪb]


subscribe  英 [səbˈskraɪb] 美 [səbˈskraɪb]

v. 订阅;认购;捐助 

进行时:subscribing  过去式:subscribed  过去分词:subscribed  第三人称单数:subscribes  名词复数:subscribes 

We subscribe to several sports channels. 我们付费收看好几个体育频道。
He subscribed to a newsgroup on the Internet. 他成了一个网上新闻组的用户。

  • If you subscribe to something, you sign up to receive it regularly. If you subscribe to the New York Times, it's delivered to your door every morning or you get online access.
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  • v. 订阅;认购;捐助
  • 1. We subscribe to several sports channels.


  • 2. He subscribed to a newsgroup on the Internet.


  • 3. The tour of Edinburgh is fully subscribed.


  • subscribe (v.) early 15c., "to sign at the bottom of a document," from Latin subscribere "write, write underneath, sign one's name; register," also figuratively "assent, agree to, approve," from sub "underneath" (see sub-) + scribere "to write" (from PIE root *skribh- "to cut"). The meaning "give one's consent" (by subscribing one's name) first recorded mid-15c.; that of "contribute money to" 1630s; and that of "become a regular buyer of a publication" 1711, all originally literal. Related: Subscribed; subscribing.
sub·scribe / səbˈskraɪb ; NAmE səbˈskraɪb / verb 1 [intransitive ] subscribe(to sth) to pay an amount of money regularly in order to receive or use sth 定期订购(或订阅等) Which journals does the library subscribe to? 图书馆订有哪些报刊? We subscribe to several sports channels (= on TV). 我们付费收看好几个体育频道。 He subscribed to a newsgroup (= on the Internet). 他成了一个网上新闻组的用户。 2 [intransitive ] subscribe(to sth) to pay money regularly to be a member of an organization or to support a charity 定期交纳(会员费);定期(向慈善机构)捐款;定期捐助 He subscribes regularly to Amnesty International. 他定期向大赦国际捐款。 3 [intransitive ] subscribe(for sth) ( finance ) to apply to buy shares in a company 认购(股份) see also oversubscribed 4 [transitive ,  usually passive ] subscribesth to apply to take part in an activity, use a service, etc. 申请;预订;报名 The tour of Edinburgh is fully subscribed. 去爱丁堡旅游的名额已经满了。 PHRASAL VERB subˈscribe to sth ( formal) to agree with or support an opinion, a theory, etc. 同意;赞成 SYN believe in sth The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers. 当局不再支持残疾人不适宜做教师的观点。 subscribe subscribes subscribed subscribing sub·scribe / səbˈskraɪb ; NAmE səbˈskraɪb /
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