submission 英 [səbˈmɪʃn]   美 [səbˈmɪʃən]


submission  英 [səbˈmɪʃn] 美 [səbˈmɪʃən]

n. 投降;提交(物) 


submission will pay you better. 你还是服从为好。
He was faced with two alternatives -- death or submission. 他面临两种选择--死亡或者投降。

  • If a teacher asks for your submission, she might want you to obey her every command like a drone or, on the other hand, she may want just you to turn something in for her approval.
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  • n. 投降;提交(物)
  • 1. submission will pay you better.


  • 2. He was faced with two alternatives -- death or submission.


  • 3. a gesture of submission


  • 4. to beat sb into submission, to force sb into submission, to starve sb into submission


  • 5. When is the final date for the submission of proposals?


  • 6. They prepared a report for submission to the council.


  • submission (n.) late 14c., "act of referring to a third party for judgment or decision," from Old French submission or directly from Latin submissionem (nominative submissio) "a lowering, letting down; sinking," noun of action from past participle stem of submittere "to let down, put down, lower, reduce, yield" (see submit).
sub·mis·sion AWL / səbˈmɪʃn ; NAmE səbˈmɪʃn / noun 1 [uncountable ] the act of accepting that sb has defeated you and that you must obey them 屈服;投降;归顺 SYN surrender a gesture of submission 投降的手势 to beat/force/starve sb into submission 打得╱强迫╱饿得某人屈服 2 [uncountable ,  countable ] the act of giving a document, proposal, etc. to sb in authority so that they can study or consider it; the document, etc. that you give 提交;呈递;提交(或呈递)的文件、建议等 When is the final date for the submission of proposals? 呈交提案的最后日期是什么时候? They prepared a report for submission to the council. 他们准备了一份报告要提交给理事会。 All parties will have the opportunity to make submissionsrelating to this case. 各方均有机会提交与此案有关的陈述。 3 [countable ] ( law ) a statement that is made to a judge in court (向法官提出的)看法,意见 submission submissions sub·mis·sion / səbˈmɪʃn ; NAmE səbˈmɪʃn /
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