penal 英 [ˈpi:nl]   美 [ˈpinəl]


penal  英 [ˈpi:nl] 美 [ˈpinəl]

adj. 刑事的;刑罚的 

And he should count himself lucky for -- if entirely undeserving of -- a penal system in that country that is among the cushiest in the world. 他应该认为自己是幸运的-如果完全不值得-因为挪威的刑罚体系是世界上最宽松的国家之一。
He learnt that, shortly before, some thirteen or fourteen convicts had succeeded in escaping from the penal settlement in an open boat, and had landed on a lonely part of the coast. 他了解到不久前有大约十三四个犯人成功地从一艘敞船上逃脱了犯人劳改,从一个偏僻地方上岸后投靠了一群人数众多的逃犯。

  • Anything described as penal has something to do with legal punishment. Prisons are one important part of a country's penal system.
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  • adj. 刑事的;刑罚的
  • 1. And he should count himself lucky for -- if entirely undeserving of -- a penal system in that country that is among the cushiest in the world.


  • 2. He learnt that, shortly before, some thirteen or fourteen convicts had succeeded in escaping from the penal settlement in an open boat, and had landed on a lonely part of the coast.


  • penal (adj.) "pertaining to punishment," mid-15c., from Old French peinal (12c., Modern French pénal) and directly from Medieval Latin penalis, from Latin poenalis "pertaining to punishment," from poena "punishment," from Greek poine "blood-money, fine, penalty, punishment," from PIE *kwoina, from root *kwei- "to pay, atone, compensate" (source also of Greek time "price, worth, honor, esteem, respect," tinein "to pay a price, punish, take vengeance;" Sanskrit cinoti "observes, notes;" Avestan kaena "punishment, vengeance;" Old Church Slavonic cena "honor, price;" Lithuanian kaina "value, price").
penal / ˈpiːnl ; NAmE ˈpiːnl / adjective [usually before noun ] 1 connected with or used for punishment, especially by law 惩罚的;刑罚的 penal reforms 刑罚改革 the penal system 刑罚制度 Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude (= prison with hard physical work). 曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。 a penal colony (= a place where criminals were sent as a punishment in the past) 罪犯流放地 2 that can be punished by law 应受刑罚的 a penal offence 刑事犯罪 3 very severe 严重的;严厉的 penal rates of interest 很重的利率 penal / ˈpiːnl ; NAmE ˈpiːnl /
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