professional 英 [prəˈfeʃənl]   美 [prəˈfɛʃənəl]


professional  英 [prəˈfeʃənl] 美 [prəˈfɛʃənəl]

adj. 专业的;职业的  n. 专业人员;专家 


professional qualifications, professional skills 专业资格╱技能
professional standards, professional practice 专业水平;行业惯例

  • When an athlete "goes pro," she goes professional–-she is paid for her service rather than doing it on an amateur basis. Other professionals, including doctors and lawyers, are also paid for their work, which, we hope, they conduct in a professional manner.
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  • adj. 专业的;职业的
  • n. 专业人员;专家
  • 1. professional qualifications, professional skills


  • 2. professional standards, professional practice


  • 3. an opportunity for professional development


  • 4. Most of the people on the course were professional women.


  • 5. He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.


  • 6. professional misconduct


  • 7. a professional golfer


  • 8. the world of professional football


  • 9. the terms that doctors and other health professionals use


  • 10. a top golf professional


  • 11. This was clearly a job for a real professional.


  • professional (adj.) early 15c., of religious orders; 1747 of careers (especially of the skilled or learned trades from c. 1793); see profession. In sports, opposed to amateur, from 1846. Related: Professionally.
  • professional (n.) "one who does it for a living," 1798, from professional (adj.).
pro·fes·sion·al AWL / prəˈfeʃənl ; NAmE prəˈfeʃənl / adjective , noun professional professionals adjective 1 [only before noun ] connected with a job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education 职业的;专业的 professional qualifications/skills 专业资格╱技能 professional standards/practice 专业水平;行业惯例 an opportunity for professional development 专业进修的机会 If it's a legal matter you need to seek professional advice. 如果这属于法律问题,你就需要寻求专业意见了。 2 (of people ) having a job which needs special training and a high level of education 有职业的;专业的 Most of the people on the course were professional women. 参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性。 3 showing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled 娴熟的;训练有素的;精通业务的 SYN competent He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. 他处理这个问题非常专业。 OPP amateur 4 suitable or appropriate for sb working in a particular profession 职业上的;专业上的 professional conduct/misconduct 职业道德;失职 OPP unprofessional 5 doing sth as a paid job rather than as a hobby 职业性的;专业的;非业余的 a professional golfer 职业高尔夫球运动员 After he won the amateur championship he turned professional. 他获得业余赛冠军后就转为职业运动员了。 OPP amateur 6 (of sport 体育运动 ) done as a paid job rather than as a hobby 职业性的;专业的;非业余的 the world of professional football 职业足球界 OPP amateur compare non-professional noun 1 a person who does a job that needs special training and a high level of education 专门人员;专业人士;专家 the terms that doctors and other health professionals use 医师和其他保健专业人员使用的术语 2 ( also informal pro ) a person who does a sport or other activity as a paid job rather than as a hobby 职业运动员;(从事某活动的)专业人员 a top golf professional 顶尖高尔夫球职业选手 OPP amateur 3 ( also informal pro ) a person who has a lot of skill and experience 内行;专门人才;技术精湛者;老练的人 This was clearly a job for a real professional. 这显然是真正的专家才能干的工作。 OPP amateur pro·fes·sion·al / prəˈfeʃənl ; NAmE prəˈfeʃənl /
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