profession 英 [prəˈfeʃn]   美 [prəˈfɛʃən]


profession  英 [prəˈfeʃn] 美 [prəˈfɛʃən]

n. 职业,专业,职业界;声明,宣布 


the medical profession, the legal profession, the teaching profession 医疗、法律、教学等专业
to enter into a profession, to join a profession 加入一个行业

  • An open declaration of an opinion or belief is a profession. If you announce that you believe the earth is flat, your profession of this opinion might cause some giggling among your well-educated friends.
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  • n. 职业,专业,职业界;声明,宣布
  • 1. the medical profession, the legal profession, the teaching profession


  • 2. to enter into a profession, to join a profession


  • 3. He was an electrician by profession.


  • 4. She was at the very top of her profession.


  • 5. The legal profession has always resisted change.


  • 6. employment in industry and the professions


  • 7. a profession of faith


  • profession (n.) c. 1200, "vows taken upon entering a religious order," from Old French profession (12c.), from Latin professionem (nominative professio) "public declaration," from past participle stem of profiteri "declare openly" (see profess). Meaning "any solemn declaration" is from mid-14c. Meaning "occupation one professes to be skilled in" is from early 15c.; meaning "body of persons engaged in some occupation" is from 1610; as a euphemism for "prostitution" (compare oldest profession) it is recorded from 1888.
pro·fes·sion / prəˈfeʃn ; NAmE prəˈfeʃn / noun 1 [countable ] a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education (需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一)行业,职业 the medical/legal/teaching, etc. profession 医疗、法律、教学等专业 to enter/go into/join a profession 加入一个行业 ( BrE) the caring professions (= that involve looking after people) 护理行业 He was an electrician by profession. 他的职业是电工。 She was at the very top of her profession. 她是她那个行业中的佼佼者。 synonyms at work collocationsat job 2 the profession [singular + singular or plural verb ] all the people who work in a particular type of profession (某)职业界;业内人士;同业;同行;同人 The legal profession has/have always resisted change. 法律界向来抗拒变革。 3 the professions [plural ] the traditional jobs that need a high level of education and training, such as being a doctor or a lawyer (统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业 employment in industry and the professions 实业界与专业界的工作 4 [countable ] professionof sth a statement about what you believe, feel or think about sth, that is sometimes made publicly 声明;宣称;表白 SYN declaration a profession of faith 信仰的表白 profession professions pro·fes·sion / prəˈfeʃn ; NAmE prəˈfeʃn /
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