prisoner 英 [ˈprɪznə(r)]   美 [ˈprɪzənɚ, ˈprɪznɚ]


prisoner  英 [ˈprɪznə(r)] 美 [ˈprɪzənɚ, ˈprɪznɚ]

n. 囚犯,犯人;战浮 


all political prisoners. 所有的政治犯
The number of prisoners 囚犯的数目

  • A prisoner is a person being held in prison as a punishment. During wartime a prisoner is someone held captive by the enemy. Alternately, if you’re so attractive you can’t leave the house, you’re a prisoner of your own good looks.
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  • n. 囚犯,犯人;战浮
  • 1. all political prisoners.


  • 2. The number of prisoners


  • 3. He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers.


  • prisoner (n.) "person in prison, captive person," late 14c. (earlier "a jailer," mid-13c., but this did not survive Middle English), from Old French prisonier "captive, hostage" (12c., Modern French prisonnier), from prisoun (see prison (n.)). Captives taken in war have been called prisoners since mid-14c.; phrase prisoner of war dates from 1670s (see also POW). Prisoner's dilemma attested from 1957.
pris·on·er / ˈprɪznə(r) ; NAmE ˈprɪznər / noun 1 a person who is kept in prison as a punishment, or while they are waiting for trial 囚犯;犯人;羁押候审者 The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen. 被判无期徒刑的囚犯数目下降了。 They are demanding the release of all political prisoners. 他们正在要求释放所有的政治犯。 2 a person who has been captured, for example by an enemy, and is being kept somewhere 被(敌人等)关起来的人;俘虏;战俘 He was taken prisonerby rebel soldiers. 他被叛军俘虏了。 They are holdingher prisonerand demanding a large ransom. 他们把她劫持了,并索要巨额赎金。 ( figurative) She is afraid to go out and has become a virtual prisoner in her own home. 她不敢出门,实际上已成了关在家中的囚犯。 prisoner prisoners pris·on·er / ˈprɪznə(r) ; NAmE ˈprɪznər /
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