plastic 英 [ˈplæstɪk]   美 [ˈplæstɪk]


plastic  英 [ˈplæstɪk] 美 [ˈplæstɪk]

adj. 塑料的;  n. 塑料 


plastic bottles everywhere 到处是塑料瓶
The pipes should be made of plastic. 这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。

  • Plastic is a synthetic material that can be molded when soft and formed into a solid shape. Many toys are made out of plastic, like Barbie dolls and Lego blocks.
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  • adj. 塑料的;
  • n. 塑料
  • 1. plastic bottles everywhere


  • 2. The pipes should be made of plastic.


  • 3. a sheet of plastic


  • 4. the plastic industry


  • 5. a plastic bag, a plastic cup, a plastic toy


  • plastic (adj.) 1630s, "capable of shaping or molding," from Latin plasticus, from Greek plastikos "able to be molded, pertaining to molding, fit for molding," also in reference to the arts, from plastos "molded, formed," verbal adjective from plassein "to mold" (see plasma). Surgical sense of "remedying a deficiency of structure" is first recorded 1839 (in plastic surgery). Meaning "made of plastic" is from 1909. Picked up in counterculture slang with meaning "false, superficial" (1963). Plastic explosive (n.) attested from 1894.
  • plastic (n.) 1905, "solid substance that can be molded," originally of dental molds, from plastic (adj.). Main current meaning, "synthetic product made from oil derivatives," first recorded 1909, coined by Leo Baekeland (see bakelite).
plas·tic / ˈplæstɪk ; NAmE ˈplæstɪk / noun , adjective plastic plastics noun 1 [uncountable ,  countable ,  usually plural ] a light strong material that is produced by chemical processes and can be formed into shapes when heated. There are many different types of plastic,used to make different objects and fabrics. 塑料; 塑胶 The pipes should be made of plastic. 这些管子应该是用塑料制作的。 a sheet of clear plastic 一张透明的塑料 the plastic industry 塑料工业 2 plastics [uncountable ] the science of making plastics 塑料学; 塑胶学 3 [uncountable ] ( informal) a way of talking about credit cards 信用卡 Do they take plastic? 他们收信用卡吗? adjective 1 made of plastic 塑料制的;塑料的; 塑胶的 a plastic bag/cup/toy 塑料袋╱杯╱玩具 2 (of a material or substance 材料或物质 ) easily formed into different shapes 可塑的;有塑性的 SYN malleable Clay is a plastic substance. 黏土是可塑物质。 3 ( disapproving) that seems artificial; false; not real or sincere 做作的;虚伪的;矫饰的 SYN false TV game show hosts with their banal remarks and plastic smiles 语言陈腐、笑容刻板的电视竞赛节目主持人 plas·tic / ˈplæstɪk ; NAmE ˈplæstɪk /
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