plasma 英 [ˈplæzmə]   美 [ˈplæzmə]


plasma  英 [ˈplæzmə] 美 [ˈplæzmə]

n. [等离子] 等离子体;血浆;[矿物] 深绿玉髓 


Blood cells like red blood cells float in the plasma. 血细胞就是像在血浆里漂浮的红色血细胞.
The solution is not another drug, but a feat of physics: cold plasma. 这一方法并非另一种药品,而是物理学的一个壮举:冷等离子体。

  • Plasma is the colorless liquid part of blood. Plasma holds blood cells but is not made from them.
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  • n. [等离子] 等离子体;血浆;[矿物] 深绿玉髓
  • 1. Blood cells like red blood cells float in the plasma.


  • 2. The solution is not another drug, but a feat of physics: cold plasma.


  • 3. Anyone who tests positive for HIV can pass the disease to others and should not donate blood, plasma, body organs, or sperm.


  • plasma (n.) 1712, "form, shape" (earlier plasm), from Late Latin plasma, from Greek plasma "something molded or created," hence "image, figure; counterfeit, forgery; formed style, affectation," from plassein "to mold," originally "to spread thin," from PIE *plath-yein, from root *pele- (2) "flat; to spread." Sense of "liquid part of blood" is from 1845; that of "ionized gas" is 1928.
plasma / ˈplæzmə ; NAmE ˈplæzmə / ( also plasm / ˈplæzəm ; NAmE ˈplæzəm / ) noun [uncountable ] 1 ( biology or medical ) the clear liquid part of blood, in which the blood cells, etc. float 血浆 2 ( physics ) a gas that contains approximately equal numbers of positive and negative electric charges and is present in the sun and most stars 等离子体;等离子气体 plasma plasmas plasma / ˈplæzmə ; NAmE ˈplæzmə / plasm / ˈplæzəm ; NAmE ˈplæzəm /
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