Bakelite 英 [ˈbeɪkəlaɪt]  


Bakelite  英 [ˈbeɪkəlaɪt]

n. 胶木;人造树胶 


The big black Bakelite phone rang at half past ten. 十点半的时候,外壳用胶木做的电话响了。
It is expected to rank alongside wonder products from previous generations such as Bakelite in the 1930s, carbon fibre in the 1980s and silicone in the 1990s. 气凝胶被认为能够成为堪与它的前辈 -- 例如20世纪30年代的胶木、80年代的碳纤维、90年代的硅胶 -- 相媲美的神奇物质。

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  • n. 胶木;人造树胶
  • 1. The big black Bakelite phone rang at half past ten.


  • 2. It is expected to rank alongside wonder products from previous generations such as Bakelite in the 1930s, carbon fibre in the 1980s and silicone in the 1990s.

    气凝胶被认为能够成为堪与它的前辈 -- 例如20世纪30年代的胶木、80年代的碳纤维、90年代的硅胶 -- 相媲美的神奇物质。

  • 3. Bakelite resin which is produced by reacting phenol with formaldehyde is used to bind wood fibres in pressed wood such as medium-density fibreboard (MDF) and formica.


  • Bakelite (n.) type of plastic widely used early 20c., 1909, from German Bakelit, named for Belgian-born U.S. physicist Leo Baekeland (1863-1944), who invented it. Originally a proprietary name, it is formed by the condensation of a phenol with an aldehyde.
Bake·lite™ / ˈbeɪkəlaɪt ; NAmE ˈbeɪkəlaɪt ; ˈbeɪklaɪt / noun [uncountable ] a type of hard plastic used in the past for electrical equipment, etc. 贝克莱特酚醛树脂;(酚醛)电木,胶木 Bake·lite™ / ˈbeɪkəlaɪt ; NAmE ˈbeɪkəlaɪt ; ˈbeɪklaɪt /
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