baked beans  

baked beans

baked beans 

phrase. (加番茄酱等制的)烘豆 

He forgets about those evenings sitting alone eating cold baked beans out of a can, the humiliating rebuffs from women in front of friends at parties and the long periods without sex. 他已经忘了自己独自一人吃着罐头里冰冷的烤豆子的夜晚,忘了聚会时女人当着朋友的面拒绝他时的尴尬,忘了很长一段时间没有性生活。
A 'gender-bending' chemical used in food containers, baby bottles and baked beans tins should be put through the same rigorous safety trials as new drugs, a leading scientist has declared. 一位顶级科学家宣布,用于食品容器、奶瓶和烘豆罐的“性别偏移”化学品应该与新药一样接受严格的安全鉴定。

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  • phrase. (加番茄酱等制的)烘豆
  • 1. He forgets about those evenings sitting alone eating cold baked beans out of a can, the humiliating rebuffs from women in front of friends at parties and the long periods without sex.


  • 2. A 'gender-bending' chemical used in food containers, baby bottles and baked beans tins should be put through the same rigorous safety trials as new drugs, a leading scientist has declared.


  • 3. Despite soaring commodity costs, baked beans are still relatively cheap and are generally considered to be good for the heart.


baked ˈbeans / ; NAmE / noun [plural ] 1 ( especially BrE) small white beanscooked in a tomato sauce and usually sold in cans 番茄酱烘豆(常制成罐头) 2 ( NAmE) = Boston baked beans baked ˈbeans / ; NAmE /
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