- When you call, you shout or cry out so that someone can hear you. You might call to a bicyclist who's veering dangerously into traffic.
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- v. 呼叫;自称,标榜
- n. 电话;呼叫;
1. Please call if you require assistance.
2. I'll call a taxi for you.
3. to give sb/to make a call
4. They decided to call the baby Mark.
5. What do they call that new fabric?
6. Would you call it blue or green?
7. She's no right to call herself a feminist.
8. He called out a warning from the kitchen.
- call (n.) early 14c., "a loud cry, an outcry," also "a summons, an invitation," from call (v.). From 1580s as "a summons" (by bugle, drum, etc.) to military men to perform some duty; from 1680s as "the cry or note of a bird." Sense of "a short formal visit" is from 1862; meaning "a communication by telephone" is from 1878. From 1670s as "requirement, duty, right," hence, colloquially, "occasion, cause."
- call (v.) mid-13c., "to cry out; call for, summon, invoke; ask for, demand, order; give a name to, apply by way of designation," from Old Norse kalla "to cry loudly, summon in a loud voice; name, call by name," from Proto-Germanic *kall- (source also of Middle Dutch kallen "to speak, say, tell," Dutch kallen "to talk, chatter," Old High German kallon "to speak loudly, call"), from PIE root *gal- "to call, shout." Related: Called; calling.
call ★ / kɔːl ; NAmE kɔːl / verb , noun call calls called calling verb ★ give name 命名 1 ★ [transitive ] to give sb/sth a particular name; to use a particular name or title when you are talking to sb 给…命名;称呼;把…叫做 callsb/sth + noun ◆ They decided to call the baby Mark. 他们决定给婴儿取名马克。 ◆ His name's Hiroshi but everyone calls him Hiro. 他名叫广志,但人人都称他广。 ◆ What do they call that new fabric? 他们把那种新织品叫做什么? callsb ◆ They called their first daughter after her grandmother. 他们给大女儿取了祖母的名字。 ◆ We call each other by our first names here. 我们这儿彼此直呼其名。 ☞see also called describe 看作 2 ★ [transitive ] to describe sb/sth in a particular way; to consider sb/sth to be sth 认为…是;把…看作 callsb/sth + noun ◆ I wouldn't call German an easy language. 我并不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。 ◆ Are you calling me a liar? 你是说我撒谎? ◆ He was in the front room, or the lounge or whatever you want to call it. 他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,或者在叫什么都行的房间里。 ◆ I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds. 我算下来你欠我十英镑四十三便士。就算作十英镑吧。 callsb/sth + adj. ◆ Would you call it blue or green? 你认为它是蓝色还是绿色? ☞synonyms at regard 3 ★ [transitive ] callyourself + noun to claim that you are a particular type of person, especially when other people question whether this is true 把自己称为;自诩 ◆ Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then? 你说你够朋友?够朋友怎么不肯帮我? ◆ She's no right to call herself a feminist. 她无权以女权主义者身分自居。 shout 喊叫 4 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to shout or say sth loudly to attract sb's attention 大声呼叫,大声说(以吸引注意力) ◆ I thought I heard somebody calling. 我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。 call(out) to sb (for sth) ◆ She called out to her father for help. 她向父亲大声呼救。 call(sth) out ◆ He called out a warning from the kitchen. 他在厨房里大声发出警告。 callsth ◆ Did somebody call my name? 有人叫我的名字吗? + speech ◆ ‘See you later!’ she called. “再见!”她叫道。 5 ★ [transitive , intransitive ] call(sb) to ask sb to come by shouting or speaking loudly 召唤;呼唤 ◆ Will you call the kids in for lunch? 把孩子们叫进来吃午饭好吗? ◆ Did you call? 你叫我? telephone 电话 6 ★ [transitive ] to ask sb/sth to come quickly to a particular place by telephoning 打电话叫 callsb/sth ◆ to call the fire department/the police/a doctor/an ambulance 打电话叫消防署╱警察╱医生╱救护车 ◆ The doctor has been called to an urgent case. 医生接到电话去看急症。 ◆ I'll call a taxi for you. 我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。 callsb sth ◆ I'll call you a taxi. 我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。 7 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] to telephone sb (给…)打电话 ◆ I'll call again later. 我以后再打电话来。 callsb/sth ◆ I called the office to tell them I'd be late. 我给办公室打电话说我可能晚到一会儿。 ◆ My brother called me from Spain last night. 我弟弟昨晚从西班牙给我打电话来了。 ☞note at phone order sb to come 召见 8 [transitive , usually passive ] + adv./prep. ( formal) to order sb to come to a place 命令,召(至某处) ◆ Several candidates were called for a second interview. 几个候选人被通知去参加第二次面试。 ◆ The ambassador was called back to London by the prime minister. 大使被首相召回伦敦。 ◆ He felt called to the priesthood (= had a strong feeling that he must become a priest). 他感受到要成为司铎的召唤。 visit 拜访 9 ★ [intransitive ] ( especially BrE) to make a short visit to a person or place (短暂地)访问 ◆ I'll call round and see you on my way home. 我想在回家的路上去看看你。 callon sb ◆ Let's call on John. 咱们去看看约翰吧。 callto do sth ◆ He was out when I called to see him. 我去拜访时,他不在家。 meeting/strike, etc. 集会、罢工等 10 ★ [transitive ] callsth to order sth to happen; to announce that sth will happen 下令举行;宣布进行 ◆ to call a meeting/an election/a strike 举行会议╱选举╱罢工 of bird/animal 禽;兽 11 [intransitive ] to make the cry that is typical for it 啼;鸣叫 in games 比赛 12 [transitive , intransitive ] call(sth) to say which side of a coin you think will face upwards after it is thrown 抛硬币说正反面 ◆ to call heads/tails 要硬币的正面╱反面 IDIOMS call sb's ˈbluff to tell sb to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe that they will not be cruel or brave enough to do it 要求…摊牌,要求…兑现其恫吓(因相信对方不至于或不敢这样做) call sth into ˈplay ( formal) to make use of sth 利用;使用 ◆ Chess is a game that calls into play all your powers of concentration. 国际象棋是一项需要全神贯注的活动。 call sth into ˈquestion to doubt sth or make others doubt sth 怀疑;引起怀疑 SYN question ◆ His honesty has never been called into question. 他的诚实从未受到过怀疑。 call it a ˈday ( informal) to decide or agree to stop doing sth 结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止 ◆ After forty years in politics I think it's time for me to call it a day (= to retire). 从政四十年,我想现在也该退休了。 call it ˈquits ( informal) 1 to agree to end a contest, disagreement, etc. because both sides seem equal (因势均力敌)同意停止比赛(或争论等) 2 to decide to stop doing sth 决定停止 call sb ˈnames to use insulting words about sb 辱骂;谩骂 call the ˈshots/ˈtune ( informal) to be the person who controls a situation 控制;操纵 call a spade a ˈspade to say exactly what you think without trying to hide your opinion 是啥说啥;直言不讳 call ˈtime (on sth) ( BrE) to say or decide that it is time for sth to finish 宣布结束;决定结束 call sb to acˈcount (for/over sth) to make sb explain a mistake, etc. because they are responsible for it 责成…作出解释;责问 call sb/sth to ˈorder to ask people in a meeting to be quiet so that the meeting can start or continue 要求保持安静(以便开始或继续会议);要求遵守会议秩序 ☞more at carpet n. , mind n. , pay v. , pot n. , what PHRASAL VERBS ˈcall at… ( BrE) (of a train, etc. 火车等 ) to stop at a place for a short time 停靠;(短时间)停留 ◆ This train calls at Didcot and Reading. 这趟列车在迪德科特和雷丁停车。 ˌcall sb aˈway to ask sb to stop what they are doing and to go somewhere else 叫走;把…叫到别处去 ◆ She was called away from the meeting to take an urgent phone call. 她被叫出会场去接一个紧急电话。 ★ ˌcall ˈback | ˌcall sb ˈback to telephone sb again or to telephone sb who telephoned you earlier 再打电话;回电话 ◆ She said she'd call back. 她说她会再打电话来。 ◆ I'm waiting for someone to call me back with a price. 我在等人回电话报价。 ˈcall for sb ( especially BrE) to collect sb in order to go somewhere (去)接 ◆ I'll call for you at 7 o'clock. 我 7 点钟来接你。 ˈcall for sth 1 to need sth 需要 ◆ The situation calls for prompt action. 目前的形势需要立即采取行动。 ◆ ‘I've been promoted.’ ‘This calls for a celebration!’ “我升职了。”“那得庆祝一下!” ☞see also uncalled for 2 ★ to publicly ask for sth to happen (公开)要求 ◆ They called for the immediate release of the hostages. 他们要求立即释放人质。 ◆ The opposition have called for him to resign. 反对派已要求他辞职。 ˌcall sth↔ˈforth ( formal) to produce a particular reaction 引起;使产生 ◆ His speech called forth an angry response. 他的发言引起了一阵愤怒。 ˌcall ˈin to telephone a place, especially the place where you work 打电话来(工作单位等) ◆ Several people have called in sicktoday. 今天有几个人打电话请病假。 ˌcall sb↔ˈin to ask for the services of sb 召来,叫来(服务) ◆ to call in a doctor/the police 请医生╱叫警察来 ˌcall sth↔ˈin to order or ask for the return of sth 下令收回;要求退回 ◆ Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers. 有严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商召回。 ˌcall sb/sth↔ˈoff to order a dog or a person to stop attacking, searching, etc. 把(人)叫走(不再搜查等);把(狗)叫开(不让它咬人等) ★ ˌcall sth↔ˈoff to cancel sth; to decide that sth will not happen 取消;停止进行 ◆ to call off a deal/trip/strike 取消交易╱旅行╱罢工 ◆ They have called off their engagement (= decided not to get married). 他们已经解除婚约。 ◆ The game was called off because of bad weather. 比赛因天气恶劣被取消。 ˈcall on/upon sb ( formal) 1 to formally invite or ask sb to speak, etc. 邀请,要求(某人讲话等);恭请 ◆ I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting. 现在请主席向大会致辞。 2 to ask or demand that sb do sth 请求,要求,要(某人做某事) ◆ I feel called upon (= feel that I ought)to warn you that… 我觉得我应该警告你… ˌcall sb ˈout 1 to ask sb to come, especially to an emergency 要求某人来,召唤出动(尤指处理紧急情况) ◆ to call out an engineer/a plumber/the troops 召来工程师╱管道工;出动军队 2 to order or advise workers to stop work as a protest 下令罢工;通知罢工 ☞related noun call-out ˌcall sb↔ˈup 1 ★ ( especially NAmE) to make a telephone call to sb (给某人)打电话 2 to make sb do their training in the army, etc. or fight in a war 征召(服役);征召入伍 SYN conscript , draft 3 to give sb the opportunity to play in a sports team, especially for their country 选入,征调(运动员为国参赛) ☞related noun call-up ˌcall sth↔ˈup 1 to bring sth back to your mind 使回忆起;使想起 SYN recall ◆ The smell of the sea called up memories of her childhood. 大海的气息勾起了她对童年的回忆。 2 to use sth that is stored or kept available 调用贮存;调出备用 ◆ I called his address up on the computer. 我在计算机上调出了他的地址。 ◆ She called up her last reserves of strength. 她使尽了最后一点力气。 noun ★ on telephone 电话 1 ★ [countable ] ( also ˈphone call ) the act of speaking to sb on the telephone 打电话;通话 ◆ to get/have/receive a callfrom sb 接到某人的电话 ◆ to give sb/to make a call 给某人打电话 ◆ Were there any calls for me while I was out? 我不在时有电话找我吗? ◆ I'll take (= answer) the callupstairs. 我会上楼接电话。 ◆ I left a message but he didn't return my call. 我留了口信,但他没有回电话。 ◆ a local call 本地电话 ◆ a long-distance call 长途电话 ☞note at phone ☞see also wake-up call loud sound 响亮的声音 2 ★ [countable ] a loud sound made by a bird or an animal, or by a person to attract attention (禽、兽的)叫声;(唤起注意的)喊声 ◆ the distinctive call of the cuckoo 布谷鸟独特的叫声 ◆ a call for help 呼救声 visit 拜访 3 [countable ] a short visit to sb's house 短暂拜访 ◆ The doctor has five calls to make this morning. 医生今天上午要出诊五次。 ◆ ( old-fashioned) to pay a callon an old friend 拜访一位老朋友 request/demand 请求;要求 4 [countable ] call(for sth) a request, an order or a demand for sb to do sth or to go somewhere 要求;请求;呼吁 ◆ calls for the minister to resign 要部长辞职的要求 ◆ calls for national unity 国家统一的呼声 ◆ This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome. 乘坐英国航空公司 199 次班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最后一次通知登机。 ◆ ( formal) a call to arms (= a strong request to fight in the army, etc.) 战斗号召 ☞see also curtain call 5 [uncountable ] no callfor sth | no call(for sb) to do sth no demand for sth; no reason for sb's behaviour 没有需要;没有理由(做…) ◆ There isn't a lot of call for small specialist shops nowadays. 如今对小型专卖店已没有多大需求了。 6 [countable ] callon sb/sth a demand or pressure placed on sb/sth (对某人或某事物的)需求,压力 ◆ She is a busy woman with many calls on her time. 她是个大忙人,有很多事等着她去办。 of a place 地方 7 [singular ] call(of sth) ( literary) a strong feeling of attraction that a particular place has for you (某地的)吸引力,诱惑力 ◆ the call of the sea/your homeland 大海的╱家乡的魅力 to a particular job 职业 8 [singular ] call(to do sth) a strong feeling that you want to do sth, especially a particular job 召唤;呼唤;使命感 decision 决定 9 [countable ] ( informal) a decision 决定 ◆ It's your call! 那是你的决定! ◆ a good/badcall 正确的╱不恰当的决定 ◆ That's a tough call. 那是个艰难的决定。 in tennis 网球 10 [countable ] a decision made by the umpire (裁判员的)判决 ◆ There was a disputed call in the second set. 第二盘比赛有一个有争议的判决。 in card games 纸牌游戏 11 [countable ] a player's bidor turn to bid 叫牌;吊牌 IDIOMS the call of ˈnature ( humorous) the need to go to the toilet 生理需要(指上厕所) have first ˈcall (on sb/sth) to be the most important person or thing competing for sb's time, money, etc. and to be dealt with or paid for before other people or things 优先占用(时间、金钱等);优先得到照顾(或支付) ◆ The children always have first call on her time. 她的时间总是先花在孩子们身上。 (be) on ˈcall (of a doctor, police officer, etc. 医生、警察等 ) available for work if necessary, especially in an emergency (尤指紧急情况下)随叫随到 ◆ I'll be on call the night of the party. 在聚会的晚上我将随时听凭召唤。 ☞see also on-call adj. ☞more at beck , close 2 adj. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 call cry out ◆exclaim ◆blurt ◆burst out These words all mean to shout or say sth loudly or suddenly. 以上各词均含突然大声喊叫、说话之义。 ■ call to shout or say sth loudly to attract sb's attention 指大声呼叫或说话以吸引注意: ◆ I thought I heard someone calling. 我仿佛听见有人在呼喊。 ■ cry out (sth) to shout sth loudly, especially when you need help or are in trouble 尤指需要帮助或陷入困境时大声呼喊: ◆ She cried out for help. 她大声呼救。 ◆ I cried out his name. 我大声呼唤他的名字。 ■ exclaim to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially because of a strong emotion 尤指因强烈的情感而突然大声说话: ◆ ‘It isn't fair!’ he exclaimed angrily. “这不公平!”他气愤地喊道。 ■ blurt to say sth suddenly and without thinking carefully enough 指脱口而出: ◆ He blurted outthe answer without thinking. 他不假思索脱口说出了答案。 ■ burst out to say sth suddenly and loudly, especially with a lot of emotion 尤指突然激动地大声喊叫: ◆ ‘He's a bully!’ the little boy burst out. “他仗势欺人!”小男孩突然大叫。 PATTERNS ◆ to call/cry out/exclaim/blurt out (sth) tosb ◆ to call/cry out forsth ◆ to cry out/exclaim/blurt out/burst out in / in sth ◆ to call/cry out/exclaim/blurt out/burst out suddenly ◆ to call/cry out/exclaim/burst out loudly call / kɔːl ; NAmE kɔːl / CALL / kɔːl ; NAmE kɔːl / abbreviation computer assisted language learning 计算机辅助语言学习;电脑辅助语言学习 ☞compare CAL CALL / kɔːl ; NAmE kɔːl /
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