wise 英 [waɪz]   美 [waɪz]


wise  英 [waɪz] 美 [waɪz]

adj. 明智的;聪明的;博学的 

名词复数:wises  比较级:wiser  最高级:wisest 

a wise old man 智叟
I'm older and wiser after ten years in the business. 在商界混了十年之后,我变得老成聪明了。

  • The adjective wise describes someone who has experience and a deep understanding. Your wise older sister always gives the best advice.
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  • adj. 明智的;聪明的;博学的
  • 1. a wise old man


  • 2. I'm older and wiser after ten years in the business.


  • 3. a wise decision


  • 4. It was very wise toleave when you did.


  • 5. I was grateful for her wise counsel.


  • 6. She nodded wisely.


  • 7. He wisely decided to tell the truth.


  • wise (adj.) Old English wis "learned, sagacious, cunning; sane; prudent, discreet; experienced; having the power of discerning and judging rightly," from Proto-Germanic *wissaz (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian wis, Old Norse viss, Dutch wijs, German weise "wise"), from past-participle adjective *wittos of PIE root *weid- "to see" (hence "to know"). Modern slang meaning "aware, cunning" first attested 1896. Related to the source of Old English witan "to know, wit."
  • wise (n.) "way of proceeding, manner," Old English wise "way, fashion, custom, habit, manner; condition, state, circumstance," from Proto-Germanic *wison "appearance, form, manner" (see wise (adj.)). Compare Old Saxon wisa, Old Frisian wis, Danish vis, Middle Dutch wise, Dutch wijs, Old High German wisa, German Weise "way, manner." Most common in English now as a word-forming element (as in likewise, clockwise); the adverbial -wise has been used thus since Old English. For sense evolution from "to see" to "way of proceeding," compare cognate Greek eidos "form, shape, kind," also "course of action." Ground sense is "to see/know the way."
  • wise (v.) Old English wisean "make wise or knowing" (transitive), cognate with Old Frisian wisa, Old Saxon wisian, Middle Dutch wisen, Dutch wijzen, Old High German wisan, German weisen; from the source of wise (adj.). Intransitive wise up is attested by 1905.
wise / waɪz ; NAmE waɪz / adjective , verb wise wises wised wising wiser wisest adjective ( wiser , wis·est ) 1 (of people ) able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have 充满智慧的;明智的;英明的;明察善断的 a wise old man 智叟 I'm older and wiserafter ten years in the business. 在商界混了十年之后,我变得老成聪明了。 2 (of actions and behaviour 行动和行为 ) sensible; based on good judgement 明智的;高明的;有判断力的 SYN prudent a wise decision 明智的决定 It was very wise toleave when you did. 你那时离开非常明智。 The wisest course of action is just to say nothing. 最明智的做法就是缄默不言。 I was grateful for her wise counsel. 我感激她为我指点迷津。 wise·ly / waɪzli ; NAmE waɪzli / adverb She nodded wisely. 她聪明地点了点头。 He wisely decided to tell the truth. 他明智地决定实话实说。 IDIOMS be none the ˈwiser | not be any the ˈwiser 1 to not understand sth, even after it has been explained to you (解释之后)依然不懂,仍不明白 I've read the instructions, but I'm still none the wiser. 我看了用法说明,但仍然弄不明白。 2 to not know or find out about sth bad that sb has done 不知道,发现不了(某人做的坏事) If you put the money back, no one will be any the wiser. 只要你把钱放回去,谁都不会察觉。 be ˌwise after the eˈvent ( often disapproving) to understand sth, or realize what you should have done, only after sth has happened 事后聪明;马后炮 be/get ˈwise to sb/sth ( informal) to become aware that sb is being dishonest 明白,察觉(某人的不轨行为) He thought he could fool me but I got wise to him. 他以为能耍得了我,其实我清楚他是怎么一号人。 put sb ˈwise (to sth) ( informal) to inform sb about sth 告诉…(内情);使…知道 verb PHRASAL VERB ˌwise ˈup (to sth) ( informal) to become aware of the unpleasant truth about a situation 意识到,觉察(令人不愉快的实情) wise / waɪz ; NAmE waɪz / wise·ly / waɪzli ; NAmE waɪzli /
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