likewise 英 [ˈlaɪkwaɪz]   美 [ˈlaɪkˌwaɪz]


likewise  英 [ˈlaɪkwaɪz] 美 [ˈlaɪkˌwaɪz]

adv. 同样地;也 

She mentioned how her uncle likewise had been questioned by the police. 她提到她的叔叔也遭警察盘问的事。
We will be sharing all our information that we have and I assume the Turkish authorities will do likewise. 威尔逊说:“我们将分享我们掌握的所有资料,我认为土耳其当局也会同样这样做。

  • Likewise means "similarly." Your attempt to bypass security with a fake ID was unsuccessful, and your guise as a pizza deliverer was likewise ineffective.
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  • adv. 同样地;也
  • 1. She mentioned how her uncle likewise had been questioned by the police.


  • 2. We will be sharing all our information that we have and I assume the Turkish authorities will do likewise.


  • 3. likewise, one organization might have that "extra something" in its business process model that gives it an edge over the competition while another organization struggles in this area.


  • likewise (adv.) mid-15c., from the phrase in like wise "in the same manner" (mid-15c.), from like (adj.) + wise (n.).
like·wise AWL / ˈlaɪkwaɪz ; NAmE ˈlaɪkwaɪz / adverb 1 ( formal) the same; in a similar way 同样地;类似地 He voted for the change and he expected his colleagues to do likewise. 他投票赞成变革并期望他的同事投同样的票。 2 ( formal) also 也;还;亦;而且 Her second marriage was likewise unhappy. 她的第二次婚姻也不幸福。 3 ( informal) used to show that you feel the same towards sb or about sth (表示感觉相同)我也是,我有同感 ‘Let me know if you ever need any help.’ ‘Likewise.’ “你要是需要帮助就告诉我。”“你也一样。” like·wise / ˈlaɪkwaɪz ; NAmE ˈlaɪkwaɪz /
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