uncommonly [ʌn'kɑmənli]  


uncommonly  [ʌn'kɑmənli]

adv. 罕见地;很;极其 

He was an uncommonly lively and interesting father, I think now, but I really had little idea of that at the time. 现在想来,他绝对是一个异常乐观活跃、趣味横生的父亲,但小时候的我对此却真的知之甚少。
Virtue is excellence, something uncommonly great and beautiful, which rises far above what is vulgar and ordinary. 美德是优秀的表现,是超越一般的伟大和美好,它远远高于庸俗和平庸。

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  • adv. 罕见地;很;极其
  • 1. He was an uncommonly lively and interesting father, I think now, but I really had little idea of that at the time.


  • 2. Virtue is excellence, something uncommonly great and beautiful, which rises far above what is vulgar and ordinary.


  • 3. A SNP is a variation in just one nucleotide of a genetic sequence; think of it as a spelling change affecting just one letter in an uncommonly long word.


un·com·mon·ly / ʌnˈkɒmənli ; NAmE ʌnˈkɑːmənli / adverb ( formal) 1 to an unusual degree; extremely 极其;极端地;非凡地 an uncommonly gifted child 一个天赋异禀的儿童 2 not often; not usually 不经常;罕见;不平常 Not uncommonly, there is a great deal of rain in August. 八月份降雨量大并非异常。 un·com·mon·ly / ʌnˈkɒmənli ; NAmE ʌnˈkɑːmənli /
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