perversely [pə'və:sli]  


perversely  [pə'və:sli]

adv. 倔强地 

perversely, Bank of America is being forced to shrink its China stake just as it might actually have something to learn about banking from its Chinese partner. 颇为乖张的是,就在美国银行或许真的可以从它的中国合作伙伴那里学到东西的时候,它却被迫要出售建设银行的股份。
And the Web almost perversely discouraged the kind of systematized, coordinated, focused attention upon which brands are built — the prime, or at least most lucrative, function of media. 而且万维网近乎顽固地抵制品牌打造所需的那种系统化、协同化的专注——那最重要的,或者说至少最赚钱的,媒体的功能。

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  • adv. 倔强地
  • 1. perversely, Bank of America is being forced to shrink its China stake just as it might actually have something to learn about banking from its Chinese partner.


  • 2. And the Web almost perversely discouraged the kind of systematized, coordinated, focused attention upon which brands are built — the prime, or at least most lucrative, function of media.


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