foaming [fom]  


foaming  [fom]

n. 发泡,泡沫形成  v. 起泡沫(foam的ing形式) 


Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. 在山的一侧还有瀑布翻腾而下,撞击出白色的水沫。
And be familiar with the signs of fatigue or heat illness, which include panting, slowing down, foaming at the mouth, weakness, inability to stand, uncontrolled movement, agitation and glazed eyes. 同时你还要熟悉(狗狗)那些劳累和中暑的征兆包括:喘气、跑不动了、口吐白沫、虚弱、站不稳、动作不受控、躁动不安、眼睛呆滞无神。

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  • n. 发泡,泡沫形成
  • v. 起泡沫(foam的ing形式)
  • 1. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.


  • 2. And be familiar with the signs of fatigue or heat illness, which include panting, slowing down, foaming at the mouth, weakness, inability to stand, uncontrolled movement, agitation and glazed eyes.


  • 3. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.


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