tower 英 [ˈtaʊə(r)]   美 [ˈtaʊɚ]


tower  英 [ˈtaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈtaʊɚ]

n. 塔;高楼  vi. 高耸;超越 

进行时:towering  过去式:towered  过去分词:towered  第三人称单数:towers  名词复数:towers 

a clock tower, a bell tower 钟楼
the Tower of London 伦敦塔

  • A tower is a tall structure, with the diameter of its base less than its height. Rapunzel lived in a tower. If you have a super tall friend and you're short, you could say they tower over you.
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  • n. 塔;高楼
  • vi. 高耸;超越
  • 1. a clock tower, a bell tower


  • 2. the Tower of London


  • 3. the Eiffel Tower


  • 4. a television tower


  • 5. The cliffs towered above them.


  • 6. He towered over his classmates.


  • 7. She towers over other dancers of her generation.


  • tower (n.1) Old English torr "tower, watchtower," from Latin turris "a tower, citadel, high structure" (also source of Old French tor, 11c., Modern French tour; Spanish, Italian torre "tower"), possibly from a pre-Indo-European Mediterranean language. Meaning "lofty pile or mass" is recorded from mid-14c. Also borrowed separately 13c. as tour, from Old French tur; the modern spelling (1520s) represents a merger of the two forms.
  • tower (n.2) "one who tows," 1610s, agent noun from tow (v.).
  • tower (v.) c. 1400, "rise high" (implied in towered); see tower (n.). Also, of hawks, "to fly high so as to swoop down on prey" (1590s). Related: Towering.
tower / ˈtaʊə(r) ; NAmE ˈtaʊər / noun , verb tower towers towered towering noun 1 a tall narrow building or part of a building, especially of a church or castle 塔;建筑物的塔形部份;(尤指教堂或城堡的)塔楼 a clock/bell tower 钟楼 the Tower of London 伦敦塔 the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 2 ( often in compounds 常构成复合词 ) a tall structure used for sending television or radio signals (电视或无线电信号的)发射塔 a television tower 电视塔 3 ( usually in compounds 通常构成复合词 ) a tall piece of furniture used for storing things 高柜;高架子 a CD tower 光盘柜 see also control tower , cooling tower , ivory tower , watchtower , water tower IDIOM a ˌtower of ˈstrength a person that you can rely on to help, protect and comfort you when you are in trouble (危难时的)可依靠的人,主心骨 verb PHRASAL VERB ˌtower ˈover/aˈbove sb/sth 1 to be much higher or taller than the people or things that are near 远高于,高耸于(附近的人或物) The cliffs towered above them. 悬崖峭壁高耸于他们上方。 He towered over his classmates. 他的个儿比班里其他同学高出一大截。 2 to be much better than others in ability, quality, etc. (在能力、品质等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他) She towers over other dancers of her generation. 她远远超过同时代的舞蹈演员。 tower / ˈtaʊə(r) ; NAmE ˈtaʊər /
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