taste 英 [teɪst]   美 [test]


taste  英 [teɪst] 美 [test]

n. 味道;品味;  v. 品尝;体验 

进行时:tasting  过去式:tasted  过去分词:tasted  第三人称单数:tastes  名词复数:tastes 

The soup has very little taste. 这汤没什么味道。
It tastes sweet. 这有甜味儿。

  • Taste is the ability to tell the difference between flavors in your mouth. It's your sense of taste that tells you if what you're eating is salty, sweet, or sour.
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  • n. 味道;品味;
  • v. 品尝;体验
  • 1. The soup has very little taste.


  • 2. It tastes sweet.


  • 3. This drink tastes like sherry.


  • 4. I've lost my sense of taste.


  • 5. He has very good tastein music.


  • 6. I've never tasted anything like it.


  • 7. Just have a taste of this cheese.


  • 8. She has very expensive tastes in clothes.


  • taste (n.) early 14c., "act of tasting," from Old French tast "sense of touch" (Modern French tât), from taster (see taste (v.)). From late 14c. as "a small portion given;" also "faculty or sense by which the flavor of a thing is discerned;" also "savor, sapidity, flavor."
  • taste (v.) c. 1300, "to touch, to handle," from Old French taster "to taste, sample by mouth; enjoy" (13c.), earlier "to feel, touch, pat, stroke" (12c., Modern French tâter), from Vulgar Latin *tastare, apparently an alteration (perhaps by influence of gustare) of taxtare, a frequentative form of Latin taxare "evaluate, handle" (see tax (v.)). Meaning "to take a little food or drink" is from c. 1300; that of "to perceive by sense of taste" is recorded from mid-14c. Of substances, "to have a certain taste or flavor," it is attested from 1550s (replaced native smack (v.3) in this sense). Another PIE root in this sense was *geus- "to taste; to choose."
taste / teɪst ; NAmE teɪst / noun , verb taste tastes tasted tasting noun flavour 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the particular quality that different foods and drinks have that allows you to recognize them when you put them in your mouth 味道;滋味 a salty/bitter/sweet, etc. taste 咸味、苦味、甜味等 I don't like the taste of olives. 我不喜欢橄榄的味道。 This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures. 这道菜的味道和口感搭配得很奇特。 The soup has very little taste. 这汤没什么味道。 sense 感觉官能 2 [uncountable ] the sense you have that allows you to recognize different foods and drinks when you put them in your mouth 味觉 I've lost my sense of taste. 我尝不出味道。 small quantity 少量 3 [countable ,  usually singular ] a small quantity of food or drink that you try in order to see what it is like 少许尝的东西;一口;一点儿 Just have a taste of this cheese. 尝一点儿这种奶酪吧。 short experience 短暂经历 4 [singular ] a short experience of sth 体验;尝试 This was my first tasteof live theatre. 这是我初次在现场看戏。 Although we didn't know it, this incident was a taste of things to come. 尽管当时我们并不知道,但这件事是后来一系列事件的开端。 ability to choose well 判断力 5 [uncountable ] a person's ability to choose things that people recognize as being of good quality or appropriate 鉴赏力;欣赏力 He has very good tastein music. 他有很高的音乐欣赏力。 They've got more money than taste. 他们有钱,但品味不高。 The room was furnished with taste. 这个房间布置得很雅致。 what you like 喜好 6 [countable ,  uncountable ] what a person likes or prefers 爱好;志趣 taste(for sth) That trip gave me a taste for foreign travel. 那次旅游使我产生了去国外旅行的兴趣。 taste(in sth) She has very expensive tastes in clothes. 她讲究穿高档的服装。 The colour and style is a matterof personal taste. 颜色和式样是个人爱好问题。 Modern art is not to everyone's taste. 现代艺术不见得适合每个人的口味。 There are trips to suit all tastes. 有适合各种喜好的旅游。 IDIOMS be in bad, poor, the worst possible, etc. ˈtaste to be offensive and not at all appropriate 趣味低级;粗俗;不得体 Most of his jokes were in very poor taste. 他的笑话大多粗俗不堪。 be in good, the best possible, etc. ˈtaste to be appropriate and not at all offensive 适度;得体 leave a bad/nasty ˈtaste in the mouth (of events or experiences 事件或经历 ) to make you feel disgusted or ashamed afterwards 使后来感到厌恶(或羞耻);留下坏印象 to ˈtaste in the quantity that is needed to make sth taste the way you prefer 按口味;适量 Add salt and pepper to taste. 适量放盐和胡椒粉。 more at account v. , acquire , medicine verb ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) have flavour 有味道 1 linking verb to have a particular flavour 有…味道 + adj. It tastes sweet. 这有甜味儿。 tasteof sth The ice tasted of mint. 这刨冰有薄荷味儿。 tastelike sth This drink tastes like sherry. 这种酒味道像雪利酒。 2 -tasting ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having a particular flavour 有…味道的 foul-tasting medicine 难吃的药 recognize flavour 辨味 3 [transitive ] tastesth ( often used with canor could 常与 can 或 could 连用 ) to be able to recognize flavours in food and drink 尝出,品出(食品或饮料的味道) You can taste the garlic in this stew. 在这炖肉里你可以尝出大蒜的味道。 test flavour 尝味 4 [transitive ] tastesth to test the flavour of sth by eating or drinking a small amount of it 尝,品(味道) SYN try Taste it and see if you think there's enough salt in it. 你尝尝看这够不够咸。 eat/drink 吃;喝 5 [transitive ] tastesth to eat or drink food or liquid 吃;喝 I've never tasted anything like it. 我从来没有吃过像这样的东西。 have short experience 有短暂经历 6 [transitive ] tastesth to have a short experience of sth, especially sth that you want more of 浅尝;尝到甜头 He had tasted freedom only to lose it again. 他刚尝到了自由的甜头,却又失去了。 taste / teɪst ; NAmE teɪst /
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