taffy 英 ['tæfɪ]   美 ['tæfi]


taffy  英 ['tæfɪ] 美 ['tæfi]

n. 太妃糖;威尔士人 


It is the fate of thespiral galaxy to be pulled like taffy and then swallowed by the pair ofelliptical galaxies, which will trigger a firestorm of new stellarcreation. 这个漩涡星系将不可避免的被像太妃糖一样拉长,最后被那一对椭圆星系吞掉,而这将触发一场恒星诞生烈火风暴。
When I was nine, I used to huddle in the back of the library with my friend Leanne and we'd turn the 1991 edition of the “Guinness Book” pages with purple hands sticky from raspberry Laffy taffy. 9岁的时候,我常常和朋友Leanne一起缩在图书馆的后面,用我们被覆盆子太妃糖染成紫色的粘乎乎的手指,翻看1991年版的《吉尼斯世界纪录》。

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  • n. 太妃糖;威尔士人
  • 1. It is the fate of thespiral galaxy to be pulled like taffy and then swallowed by the pair ofelliptical galaxies, which will trigger a firestorm of new stellarcreation.


  • 2. When I was nine, I used to huddle in the back of the library with my friend Leanne and we'd turn the 1991 edition of the “Guinness Book” pages with purple hands sticky from raspberry Laffy taffy.


  • 3. 2012 doomsday predictions pale in comparison to the violence of an entire star being stretched like taffy and them swallowed into the gravitational abyss of a Battlestar Galactica-class black hole.

    2012世界末日预言和 整个恒星像个太妃糖一样被太空战舰银河号级别的黑洞拉平吞没于引力场 相比简直苍白无力。

  • Taffy characteristic name of a Welshman, c. 1700, from Teifi, Welsh form of Davy (see David).
  • taffy (n.) coarse candy made from sugar or molasses boiled down and cooled, 1817, related to toffee, but of uncertain origin; perhaps associated with tafia (1763), a rum-like alcoholic liquor distilled from molasses, presumably of West Indian or Malay (Austronesian) origin (perhaps a Creole shortening of ratafia). On this theory, the candy would have been made from the syrup skimmed off the liquor during distillation.
taffy / ˈtæfi ; NAmE ˈtæfi / noun ( plural taffies ) [uncountable ,  countable ] ( NAmE) a type of soft sweet/candy made of brown sugar boiled until it is very thick and given different shapes and colours 太妃糖;乳脂糖 taffy taffies taffy / ˈtæfi ; NAmE ˈtæfi / Taffy / ˈtæfi ; NAmE ˈtæfi / noun ( plural Taffies ) ( also Taff / tæf ; NAmE tæf / ) ( BrE) ( informal, often offensive) a person from Wales 威尔士人 Taffy Taffies Taffy / ˈtæfi ; NAmE ˈtæfi / Taff / tæf ; NAmE tæf /
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