impartially [im'pa:ʃəli]  


impartially  [im'pa:ʃəli]

adv. 公平地;无私地 

States where institutions represent diverse interests, channel public demands, facilitate political discourse, and implement laws effectively and impartially are more likely to command respect. 当一个国家的制度代表各方利益,疏导公众要求,促进政治对话交流,并做到执法有效公平时,它就更可能博得尊重。
If she gets the nod, Kagan says she will consider every case impartially and with commitment to principle. Kagan 说如果她能通过,她将公平地处理每个案子并忠于原则办事。

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  • adv. 公平地;无私地
  • 1. States where institutions represent diverse interests, channel public demands, facilitate political discourse, and implement laws effectively and impartially are more likely to command respect.


  • 2. If she gets the nod, Kagan says she will consider every case impartially and with commitment to principle.

    Kagan 说如果她能通过,她将公平地处理每个案子并忠于原则办事。

  • 3. In order for the independent director to exercise his rights impartially and equitably, nothing can go without a constraint mechanism in addition to above-mentioned incentive mechanism.

    为了让独立董事更公正与公平地履行他的职责, 除了上述的激励机制外, 一个有效的约束机制也是必不可少的.

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