- Sugar is the sweet stuff that makes candy and other treats extra delicious, but eating too much of it is bad for you. Sugar isn’t only a food, it’s also an essential part of living cells and a source of energy for all animals.
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- n. 糖;食糖;
1. This juice contains no added sugar.
2. a sugar plantation,a sugar refinery
3. Do you take sugar?
4. How many sugars do you take in coffee?
5. fruit sugars
6. a person's blood sugar level
7. See you later, sugar.
- sugar (n.) late 13c., sugre, from Old French sucre "sugar" (12c.), from Medieval Latin succarum, from Arabic sukkar, from Persian shakar, from Sanskrit sharkara "ground or candied sugar," originally "grit, gravel" (cognate with Greek kroke "pebble"). The Arabic word also was borrowed in Italian (zucchero), Spanish (azucar, with the Arabic article), and German (Old High German zucura, German Zucker), and its forms are represented in most European languages (such as Serbian cukar, Polish cukier, Russian sakhar).
- sugar (v.) early 15c., "to sweeten with sugar," also figuratively, "to make more pleasing, mitigate the harshness of," from sugar (n.).
sugar ★ / ˈʃʊɡə(r) ; NAmE ˈʃʊɡər / noun , verb , exclamation sugar sugars sugared sugaring noun ★ 1 ★ [uncountable ] a sweet substance, often in the form of white or brown crystals,made from the juices of various plants, used in cooking or to make tea, coffee, etc. sweeter 食糖 ◆ a sugar plantation/refinery/bowl 甘蔗园;炼糖厂;糖罐 ◆ This juice contains no added sugar. 这种果汁没有加糖。 ◆ Do you take sugar (= have it in your tea, coffee, etc.)? 您放糖吗? ☞see also brown sugar , cane sugar , caster sugar , granulated sugar , icing sugar 2 ★ [countable ] the amount of sugarthat a small spoon can hold or that is contained in a small cube,added to tea, coffee, etc. 一匙糖;一块方糖 ◆ How many sugars do you take in coffee? 您在咖啡里放几块方糖? 3 [countable , usually plural ] ( technical 术语 ) any of various sweet substances that are found naturally in plants, fruit, etc. (植物、水果等所含的)糖 ◆ fruit sugars 果糖 ◆ a person's blood sugarlevel (= the amount of glucosein their blood) 人的血糖含量 4 [uncountable ] ( informal) ( especially NAmE) a way of addressing sb that you like or love (爱称)宝贝儿,亲爱的 ◆ See you later, sugar. 回头见,亲爱的。 verb sugarsth to add sugar to sth; to cover sth in sugar 在…中加糖;在…上撒糖;给…裹上糖衣 IDIOMsee pill n. exclamation used to show that you are annoyed when you do sth stupid or when sth goes wrong (to avoid saying ‘ shit ’) (做了蠢事或出现差错时表示懊恼,用作 shit 的委婉语)哎呀,真是的 ◆ Oh sugar! I've forgotten my book! 哎呀!我忘记带书了! sugar / ˈʃʊɡə(r) ; NAmE ˈʃʊɡər /
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