subservient 英 [səbˈsɜ:viənt]   美 [səbˈsɜrviənt]


subservient  英 [səbˈsɜ:viənt] 美 [səbˈsɜrviənt]

adj. 屈从的;奉承的;有用的;有帮助的 


The Parliament which used to be a subservient arm of the Executive is now a vigorous forum for debate, and an important check on Executive power. 议会过去是行政部门的一个唯唯诺诺的臂膊,现在成为了一个举行辩论的活跃论坛,成为了行政权力的一个重要制衡。
They should see themselves as aliens,as exiles, and yet they should see themselves as properly subservient,honorable, well behaved exiles in a Roman context. 他们应该把自己当做入境者,寄居者,并应该把自己看做是,适当屈从的和可敬的,行为良好的在罗马的寄居者。

  • Subservient means "compliant," "obedient," "submissive," or having the qualities of a servant. Something that's subservient has been made useful, or put into the service of, something else.
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  • adj. 屈从的;奉承的;有用的;有帮助的
  • 1. The Parliament which used to be a subservient arm of the Executive is now a vigorous forum for debate, and an important check on Executive power.


  • 2. They should see themselves as aliens,as exiles, and yet they should see themselves as properly subservient,honorable, well behaved exiles in a Roman context.


  • 3. We tend to expect certain things from our wives but we cannot bring ourselves to show honor and respect to such that is subservient.


  • subservient (adj.) 1630s, "useful, serviceable," from Latin subservientem (nominative subserviens), present participle of subservire "assist, serve, come to the help of, lend support," from sub "under" (see sub-) + servire "serve" (see serve (v.)). The meaning "slavishly obedient" is first recorded 1794. Related: Subserviently.
sub·ser·vi·ent / səbˈsɜːviənt ; NAmE səbˈsɜːrviənt / adjective 1 subservient(to sb/sth) ( disapproving) too willing to obey other people 恭顺的;驯服的;谄媚的;卑躬屈膝的 The press was accused of being subservient to the government. 有人指责新闻界一味迎合政府的旨意。 2 subservient(to sth) ( formal) less important than sth else 次要;从属于 The needs of individuals were subservient to those of the group as a whole. 个人的需要服从于整个集体的需要。 sub·ser·vi·ence / səbˈsɜːviəns ; NAmE səbˈsɜːrviəns / noun [uncountable ] sub·ser·vi·ent / səbˈsɜːviənt ; NAmE səbˈsɜːrviənt / sub·ser·vi·ence / səbˈsɜːviəns ; NAmE səbˈsɜːrviəns /
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