subside 英 [səbˈsaɪd]   美 [səbˈsaɪd]


subside  英 [səbˈsaɪd] 美 [səbˈsaɪd]

vi. 平息;减弱;沉淀;坐下 

进行时:subsiding  过去式:subsided  过去分词:subsided  第三人称单数:subsides 

The lees of wine gradually subside. 酒渣慢慢地沉淀下来。
After a few minutes,the amylum began to subside. 几分钟之后,淀粉开始沉淀。

  • To subside is to die down or become less violent, like rough ocean waves after a storm has passed (or your seasickness, if you happened to be sailing on that ocean).
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  • vi. 平息;减弱;沉淀;坐下
  • 1. The lees of wine gradually subside.


  • 2. After a few minutes,the amylum began to subside.


  • 3. Once the excitement, the motivation and the initial momentum subside (and they will), what will keep you doing what you need to do, to create the change you want to see in your world?


  • subside (v.) 1680s, of objects, "to sink to the bottom," from Latin subsidere "sit down, settle, sink, fall; remain; crouch down, squat," from sub "under, beneath" (see sub-) + sidere "to settle," related to sedere "to sit," from PIE root *sed- (1) "to sit." Of liquid surfaces, "to sink to a lower level, be reduced" from 1706. Related: Subsided; subsiding.
sub·side / səbˈsaɪd ; NAmE səbˈsaɪd / verb 1 [intransitive ] to become calmer or quieter 趋于平静;平息;减弱;消退 She waited nervously for his anger to subside. 她提心吊胆地等他的怒气平息下来。 I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided. 我服了一片阿司匹林,疼痛逐渐缓解了。 2 [intransitive ] (of water ) to go back to a normal level 回落;减退 The flood waters gradually subsided. 洪水缓缓回落。 3 [intransitive ] (of land or a building 地面或建筑物 ) to sink to a lower level; to sink lower into the ground 下沉;沉降;下陷 Weak foundations caused the house to subside. 由于地基不实,房子出现下陷。 subside subsides subsided subsiding sub·side / səbˈsaɪd ; NAmE səbˈsaɪd /
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