string 英 [strɪŋ]   美 [strɪŋ]


string  英 [strɪŋ] 美 [strɪŋ]

n. 线,弦,细绳;一串,  v. 悬挂,串起来 

进行时:stringing  过去式:strung  过去分词:strung  第三人称单数:strings  名词复数:strings 

sewing needle and string 缝纫的针头和线头
a piece of string,a length of string 一根╱一段细绳

  • A string is a strand of fiber that's thinner than a cord or a rope. You can tie on a Halloween mask with a string, or weave a friendship bracelet with a bunch of colorful strings.
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  • n. 线,弦,细绳;一串,
  • v. 悬挂,串起来
  • 1. sewing needle and string


  • 2. a piece of string,a length of string


  • 3. The key is hanging on a string by the door.


  • 4. a string of pearls


  • 5. Flags were strung out along the route.


  • 6. The route was strung with flags.


  • string (n.) Old English streng "line, cord, thread, string of a bow or harp," in plural "tackle, rigging; lineage, race," from Proto-Germanic *strangiz (source also of Old Norse strengr, Danish streng, Middle Dutch strenge, Dutch streng, Old High German strang, German Strang "rope, cord"), from *strang- "taut, stiff," from PIE root *strenk- "tight, narrow." Gradually restricted by early Middle English to lines that are smaller than a rope. Sense of "a number of objects arranged in a line" first recorded late 15c.
  • string (v.) c. 1400, "to fit a bow with a string," from string (n.). Meaning "to thread (beads, etc.) on a string" is from 1610s. Of musical instruments from 1520s (stringed instrument is from c. 1600). To string (someone) along is slang from 1902; string (v.) in the sense "deceive" is attested in British dialect from c. 1812; perhaps ultimately from the musical instrument sense and with a notion of "to 'tune' someone (for some purpose)." Related: Stringed (later strung); stringing.
string / strɪŋ ; NAmE strɪŋ / noun , verb , adjective string strings strung stringing noun for tying/fastening 捆╱系用 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] material made of several threads twisted together, used for tying things together; a piece of stringused to fasten or pull sth or keep sth in place 细绳;线;带子 a piece/length of string 一根╱一段细绳 He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string. 他用棕色包装纸把包裹包好,又用细绳捆上。 The key is hanging on a string by the door. 钥匙拴在门边的带子上。 see also drawstring , G-string , the purse strings things joined 串接物 2 [countable ] a set or series of things that are joined together, for example on a string 一串 a string of pearls 一串珍珠 The molecules join together to form long strings. 分子连接在一起形成长串。 series 系列 3 [countable ] a series of things or people that come closely one after another 一系列;一连串;一批 a string of hits 接二连三的成功 He owns a string of racing stables. 他有好多个赛马训练场。 computing 计算机技术 4 [countable ] a series of characters (= letters, numbers, etc.) 字符串;信息串 musical instruments 乐器 5 [countable ] a tightly stretched piece of wire, nylon,or catguton a musical instrument, that produces a musical note when the instrument is played 6 the strings [plural ] the group of musical instruments in an orchestrathat have strings,for example violins;the people who play them (管弦乐团的)弦乐器,弦乐器组 The opening theme is taken up by the strings. 开始的主旋律由弦乐继续发展。 compare brass  (2 ) , percussion  (1 ) , woodwind on tennis racket 网球拍 7 [countable ] any of the tightly stretched pieces of nylon,etc. in a racket,used for hitting balls in tennisand some other games conditions 条件 8 strings [plural ] special conditions or restrictions 特定条件(或限制) Major loans like these always come with strings. 诸如此类的大宗贷款总有一些附带条件。 It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached. 这只是个业务建议,仅此而已。没有任何附带条件。 IDIOM have another string/more strings to your bow ( BrE) to have more than one skill or plan that you can use if you need to 还另有一手;有两手准备 more at apron , long adj. , pull v. verb ( strung , strung / strʌŋ ; NAmE strʌŋ / ) hang decoration 悬挂装饰物 1 to hang or tie sth in place, especially as decoration 悬挂;系;扎 stringsth + adv./prep. We strung paper lanterns up in the trees. 我们把纸灯笼挂在树上。 stringA on, along, in, etc. B Flags were strung out along the route. 沿途悬挂着旗子。 stringB with A The route was strung with flags. 沿途悬挂着旗子。 join things 串接东西 2 stringsth + adv./prep. to put a series of small objects on string, etc; to join things together with string, etc. 用线(或细绳等)串,把…连在一起 SYN thread She had strung the shells on a silver chain. 她把贝壳串在一条银链子上。 ( figurative) carbon atoms strung together to form giant molecules 连在一起构成巨分子的碳原子 racket/musical instrument 球拍;乐器 3 stringsth to put a string or strings on a racketor musical instrument 给…装弦 see also highly strung PHRASAL VERBS ˌstring sb aˈlong ( informal) to allow sb to believe sth that is not true, for example that you love them, intend to help them, etc. 哄;愚弄 She has no intention of giving you a divorce; she's just stringing you along. 她无意跟你离婚,不过是骗着你玩的。 ˌstring aˈlong (with sb) ( BrE) ( informal) to go somewhere with sb, especially because you have nothing else to do 跟随;伴随 ˌstring sth↔ˈout to make sth last longer than expected or necessary 延长;拖长时间 They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period. 他们好像一心要把谈判无限期地拖下去。 see also strung out ˌstring sth↔toˈgether to combine words or phrases to form sentences 把(单词或短语)联成句子 I can barely string two words together in Japanese. 我那点日语只能勉强把两个单词拼凑在一起。 ˌstring sb↔ˈup ( informal) to kill sb by hanging them, especially illegally (尤指非法地)吊死某人 adjective [only before noun ] musical instrument 乐器 1 consisting of musical instruments that have strings; connected with these musical instruments 由弦乐器组成的;弦乐器的 a string quartet 弦乐四重奏 a string player 弦乐器演奏者 made of string 用线制成 2 made of string or sth like string 线织的;线的 a string bag/vest 网兜;网眼背心 string / strɪŋ ; NAmE strɪŋ / strung / strʌŋ ; NAmE strʌŋ /
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