combine 英 [kəmˈbaɪn]   美 [kəmˈbaɪn]


combine  英 [kəmˈbaɪn] 美 [kəmˈbaɪn]

v. 结合,组合,联合 

进行时:combining  过去式:combined  过去分词:combined  第三人称单数:combines  名词复数:combines 

Several factors had combined to ruin our plans. 几种因素加在一起毁了我们的计划。
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. 把所有的配料放在碗里拌匀。

  • When you put things together, you combine them, creating one out of several. In some cases, the different items blend their properties and cannot be divided again, while in other cases the combined items can be picked out separately.
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  • v. 结合,组合,联合
  • 1. Several factors had combined to ruin our plans.


  • 2. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.


  • 3. Combine the eggs and the flour.


  • 4. The hotel combines comfort with convenience.


  • 5. The trip will combine business with pleasure.


  • 6. They combined against a common enemy.


  • 7. the combined effects of the two drugs


  • combine (n.) "machine that cuts, threshes, and cleans grain," 1900, short for combine harvester, combine mower (1857), from combine (v.). The noun was used earlier in the sense "conspiracy" (c. 1600); it became obsolete but was revived (1886) in the sense "combination or agreement between persons to further common interests."
  • combine (v.) early 15c., "to associate, unite, join two or more things together" (transitive), from Old French combiner (14c.) and directly from Late Latin combinare "to unite, yoke together," from Latin com "with, together" (see com-) + bini "two by two," adverb from bi- "twice" (from PIE root *dwo- "two"). Intransitive sense "unite, coalesce, come together into one body" is from 1712. Related: Combinative; combined; combining.
com·bine verb , noun combine combines combined combining verb / kəmˈbaɪn ; NAmE kəmˈbaɪn / 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to come together to form a single thing or group; to join two or more things or groups together to form a single one (使)结合,组合,联合,混合 Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. 氢与氧化合成水。 combinewith sth Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. 氢与氧化合成水。 combineto do sth Several factors had combined to ruin our plans. 几种因素加在一起毁了我们的计划。 combinesth Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. 把所有的配料放在碗里拌匀。 combinesth with sth Combine the eggs with a little flour. 把鸡蛋和少量的面粉搅匀。 combineA and B (together) Combine the eggs and the flour. 把鸡蛋和面粉搅匀。 The German team scored a combined totalof 652 points. 德国队综合得分为 652 分。 2 [transitive ] to have two or more different features or characteristics; to put two or more different things, features or qualities together 兼有;兼备;使融合(或并存) combinesth We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities. 我们仍在寻觅兼备所有必要才能的人选。 combineA and/with B The hotel combines comfort with convenience. 这家旅馆既舒适又方便。 This model combines a telephone and fax machine. 这种型号同时具备电话机和传真机的功能。 They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room. 他们在这个房间里成功地把古老和现代的风格融为一体。 a kitchen and dining-room combined 厨房兼饭厅 3 [transitive ] combineA and/with B to do two or more things at the same time 同时做(两件或以上的事);兼做;兼办 The trip will combine business with pleasure. 此次旅行将把公干和游玩结合起来。 She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family. 她成功地兼顾了事业和抚养子女。 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to come together in order to work or act together; to put two things or groups together so that they work or act together 合并;协力 They combined against a common enemy. 他们联手对付共同的敌人。 combinesth (with sth) the combined effects of the two drugs 两种药物的复合疗效 You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet. 你应该把锻炼和健康饮食结合起来。 It took the combined effortsof both the press and the public to bring about a change in the law. 这项法律的变更来自媒体和公众的通力合作。 IDIOMsee force n. noun / ˈkɒmbaɪn ; NAmE ˈkɑːmbaɪn / 1 ( BrE also ˌcombine ˈharvester ) a large farm machine which cuts a crop and separates the grains from the rest of the plant 联合收割机 2 a group of people or organizations acting together in business 集团;联合企业 com·bine / kəmˈbaɪn ; NAmE kəmˈbaɪn /
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