storm 英 [stɔ:m]   美 [stɔrm]


storm  英 [stɔ:m] 美 [stɔrm]

n. 暴风雨;  v. 起风暴;横冲直撞;狂怒 

进行时:storming  过去式:stormed  过去分词:stormed  第三人称单数:storms  名词复数:storms 

The air freshened after the storm. 暴雨后空气变得新鲜了。
A few minutes later the storm began. 不一会儿暴风雨降临了。

  • A storm is what happens when the earth's atmosphere is disturbed. If the weather report says that a storm is on the way, you might want to carry an umbrella — or just stay at home and watch movies.
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  • n. 暴风雨;
  • v. 起风暴;横冲直撞;狂怒
  • 1. The air freshened after the storm.


  • 2. A few minutes later the storm began.


  • 3. storm damage


  • 4. a storm of applause


  • 5. Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn.


  • 6. Police stormed the building and captured the gunman.


  • 7. ‘Don't you know who I am?’ she stormed.


  • storm (n.) Old English storm "violent disturbance of the atmosphere, tempest; onrush, attack, tumult; disturbance," from Proto-Germanic *sturmaz "storm" (source also of Old Norse stormr, Old Saxon, Middle Low German, Middle Dutch, Dutch storm, Old High German sturm, German Sturm), from PIE *stur-mo-, from root *(s)twer- (1) "to turn, whirl." Old French estour "onset, tumult," Italian stormo "a fight" are Germanic loan-words. Figurative (non-meteorological) sense was in late Old English.
  • storm (v.) of the wind, "to rage, be violent," c. 1400, considered to be from storm (n.). Old English had styrman, cognate with Dutch stormen, Old High German sturman, German stürmen, Danish storme, Military sense "attack (a place) by scaling walls and forcing gates" (1640s) first attested in writings of Oliver Cromwell. Related: Stormed; storming. Italian stormire "make a noise" is from Germanic.
storm / stɔːm ; NAmE stɔːrm / noun , verb storm storms stormed storming noun 1 very bad weather with strong winds and rain, and often thunderand lightning 暴风雨 fierce/heavy/violent storms 狂风暴雨 A few minutes later the storm broke (= began). 不一会儿暴风雨降临了。 I think we're in for a storm (= going to have one). 我觉得我们躲不过一场暴风雨了。 storm damage 暴风雨造成的损害 note at rain collocationsat weather 2 ( in compounds 构成复合词 ) very bad weather of the type mentioned 和风暴有关的恶劣天气 a thunderstorm/snowstorm/sandstorm 雷暴;暴风雪;沙暴 see also electrical storm , rainstorm 3 storm(of sth) a situation in which a lot of people suddenly express very strong feelings about sth (群情迸发的)浪潮 a storm of protest 抗议的浪潮 A political storm is brewingover the Prime Minister's comments. 首相的评论即将酝酿出一场政治风暴。 4 stormof sth a sudden loud noise that is caused by emotion or excitement (因激动或兴奋而爆发出的)暴风雨般的声音,轰鸣 SYN roar a storm of applause 如雷掌声 see also brainstorm IDIOMS a storm in a ˈteacup ( BrE) ( NAmE a tempest in a ˈteapot ) a lot of anger or worry about sth that is not important 大惊小怪,小题大做,茶杯里的风暴(小事引起的大风波) take sth/sb by ˈstorm 1 to be extremely successful very quickly in a particular place or among particular people 在某处大获成功;使观众等倾动 The play took London by storm. 这部剧很快就风靡伦敦。 2 to attack a place suddenly and capture it 突袭攻占某处 more at calm n. , port n. verb 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to suddenly attack a place 突袭;攻占 stormsth Police stormed the building and captured the gunman. 警察突袭那栋楼房,抓获了持枪歹徒。 storminto sth Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn. 士兵在拂晓时分攻进城里。 2 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to go somewhere quickly and in an angry, noisy way 气呼呼地疾走;闯;冲 She stormed into my office waving a newspaper. 她挥舞着一张报纸怒气冲冲地闯进我的办公室。 He burst into tears and stormed off. 他突然大哭起来,气呼呼地跑了。 3 [transitive ] + speech to say sth in a loud angry way 怒吼;大发雷霆 ‘Don't you know who I am?’ she stormed. “你不知道我是谁吗?”她怒喝道。 storm / stɔːm ; NAmE stɔːrm /
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