- A desert is a very dry area of land where few plants and animals can live. If you find yourself stranded in the middle of the desert, you'll have no company except for the occasional lizard or scorpion.
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- v. 抛弃,舍弃
- n. 沙漠;荒原
1. the Sahara Desert
2. Somalia is mostly desert.
3. burning desert sands
4. a cultural desert
5. She was deserted by her husband.
6. The villages had been deserted.
7. Why did you desert teaching for politics?
8. Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment.
9. She felt betrayed by her husband's desertion.
- desert (n.1) "wasteland," early 13c., from Old French desert (12c.) "desert, wilderness, wasteland; destruction, ruin," from Late Latin desertum (source of Italian diserto, Old Provençal dezert, Spanish desierto), literally "thing abandoned" (used in Vulgate to translate "wilderness"), noun use of neuter past participle of Latin deserere "forsake" (see desert (v.)).
- desert (n.2) "suitable reward or punishment" (now usually plural and with just), c. 1300, from Old French deserte, noun use of past participle of deservir "be worthy to have," ultimately from Latin deservire "serve well" (see deserve).
- desert (v.) "to leave one's duty," late 14c., from Old French deserter (12c.) "leave," literally "undo or sever connection," from Late Latin desertare, frequentative of Latin deserere "to abandon, to leave, forsake, give up, leave in the lurch," from de- "undo" (see de-) + serere "join together, put in a row" (from PIE root *ser- (2) "to line up"). Military sense is first recorded 1640s. Related: Deserted; deserting.
des·ert ★ noun , verb desert deserts deserted deserting noun ★ / ˈdezət ; NAmE ˈdezərt / ☞see also deserts [countable , uncountable ] a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants growing on it. Many desertsare covered by sand. 沙漠;荒漠;荒原 ◆ the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 ◆ Somalia is mostly desert. 索马里大部份地区都是荒漠。 ◆ burning desert sands 沙漠里灼热的沙 ◆ ( figurative) a cultural desert (= a place without any culture) 文化沙漠 verb ★ / dɪˈzɜːt ; NAmE dɪˈzɜːrt / 1 ★ [transitive ] desertsb to leave sb without help or support 抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人) SYN abandon ◆ She was deserted by her husband. 她被丈夫遗弃了。 2 ★ [transitive , often passive ] desertsth to go away from a place and leave it empty 舍弃,离弃(某地方) SYN abandon ◆ The villages had been deserted. 这些村庄已经荒无人烟了。 ◆ The owl seems to have deserted its nest. 这只猫头鹰似乎不要这个窝了。 3 ★ [intransitive , transitive ] desert(sth) to leave the armed forces without permission 擅离(部队);逃走;开小差 ◆ Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. 战败已成定局,许多士兵开小差跑了。 4 [transitive ] desertsth (for sth) to stop using, buying or supporting sth 废弃;放弃;撇下不管 ◆ Why did you desert teaching for politics? 你为什么弃教从政呢? 5 [transitive ] desertsb if a particular quality desertsyou, it is not there when you need it 背离;使失望 ◆ Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment. 她一时间似乎失去了勇气。 ▶ de·ser·tion desertion desertions / dɪˈzɜːʃn ; NAmE dɪˈzɜːrʃn / noun [uncountable , countable ] ◆ She felt betrayed by her husband's desertion. 她感到丈夫遗弃她辜负了她的心。 ◆ The army was badly affected by desertions. 开小差使部队大受影响。 IDIOMsee sink v. des·ert / ˈdezət ; NAmE ˈdezərt / de·ser·tion / dɪˈzɜːʃn ; NAmE dɪˈzɜːrʃn /
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