- A square is a figure with four equal sides and four right angles. It's a popular shape for windows and record albums, among many other things.
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- adj. 平方的;正方形的;公平的
- v. 使成方形;
- n. 平方;广场;正方形
1. a square room
2. The book had rounded, not square, corners.
3. He had a firm, square jaw.
4. a carpet four metres square
5. an area of 36 square metres
*36 平方米的面积
6. Here's the £10 I owe you—now we're square.
这是我欠你的 10 英镑,这下我们两清了。
7. a square deal
8. The teams were all square at half-time.
9. The hotel is just off the main square.
10. Four squared equals 16.
*4 的平方等于 16。
11. The square of 7 is 49.
*7 的平方是 49。
- square (adj.) early 14c., "containing four equal sides and right angles," from square (n.), or from Old French esquarre, past participle of esquarrer. Meaning "honest, fair," is first attested 1560s; that of "straight, direct" is from 1804. Of meals, from 1868.
- square (adv.) 1570s, "fairly, honestly," from square (adj.). From 1630s as "directly, in line." Sense of "completely" is American-English, colloquial, by 1862.
- square (n.) mid-13c., "tool for measuring right angles, carpenter's square," from Old French esquire "a square, squareness," from Vulgar Latin *exquadra, back-formation from *exquadrare "to square," from Latin ex "out" (see ex-) + quadrare "make square, set in order, complete," from quadrus "a square" (from PIE root *kwetwer- "four").
- square (v.) late 14c. of stones, from Old French esquarrer, escarrer "to cut square," from Vulgar Latin *exquadrare "to square," from Latin ex "out" (see ex-) + quadrare "make square; set in order, complete," from quadrus "a square" (from PIE root *kwetwer- "four"). Meaning "regulate according to standard" is from 1530s; sense of "to accord with" is from 1590s. With reference to accounts from 1815. In 15c.-17c. the verb also could mean "to deviate, vary, digress, fall out of order." Related: Squared; squaring.
square ★ / skweə(r) ; NAmE skwer / adjective , noun , verb , adverb square squares squared squaring squarer squarest adjective ★ shape 形状 1 ★ ( geometry 几何 ) having four straight equal sides and four angles of 90° 正方形的;四方形的 ◆ a square room 正方形的房间 2 ★ forming an angle of 90° exactly or approximately 成直角的;方的 ◆ The book had rounded, not square, corners. 这本书是圆角的,而不是方角的。 ◆ square shoulders 宽而挺的肩膀 ◆ He had a firm, square jaw. 他的下巴方正而坚定。 measurement 量度 3 ★ used after a unit of measurement to say that sth measures the same amount on each of four sides (用于表示长度的单位后,表示某物四个边等长)…见方的 ◆ a carpet four metres square 四米见方的地毯 4 ★ ( abbr.sq ) used after a number to give a measurement of area (用于数字后表示面积)平方 ◆ an area of 36 square metres *36 平方米的面积 broad/solid 宽阔;结实 5 used to describe sth that is broad or that looks solid in shape 宽阔的;结实的;厚实的 ◆ a man of square build 体格魁梧的男子 ☞see also four-square level/parallel 相齐;平行 6 [not before noun ] square(with sth) level with or parallel to sth (和某物)相齐,平行 ◆ tables arranged square with the wall 顺着墙壁摆放的一些桌子 with money 钱 7 ( informal) if two people are square,neither of them owes money to the other 彼此无欠账的;两清的;结清账的 ◆ Here's the £10 I owe you—now we're square. 这是我欠你的 10 英镑,这下我们两清了。 in sport 体育运动 8 square(with sb) if two teams are square,they have the same number of points 打平的;平局的 ◆ The teams were all squareat half-time. 两队上半场打成平局。 fair/honest 公平;诚实 9 fair or honest, especially in business matters (尤指在生意上)公平的,公正的,诚实的 ◆ a square deal 公平交易 ◆ Are you being square with me? 你对我是以诚相待吗? in agreement 一致 10 squarewith sth in agreement with sth (和某事物)相一致的,相吻合的 ◆ That isn't quite square with what you said yesterday. 那跟你昨天所讲的不大吻合。 boring 乏味 11 ( informal, disapproving) (of a person 人 ) considered to be boring, for example because they are old-fashioned or work too hard at school 乏味的;古板的;太循规蹈矩的 IDIOMS a square ˈmeal a good, satisfying meal 一顿丰盛的饭 ◆ He looks as though he hasn't had a square meal for weeks. 看他那样子,就好像几个星期没吃过一顿像样的饭了。 a square ˈpeg (in a round ˈhole) ( BrE) ( informal) a person who does not feel happy or comfortable in a particular situation, or who is not suitable for it 用非所长者;方枘圆凿 noun ★ shape 形状 1 ★ [countable ] a shape with four straight sides of equal length and four angles of 90°; a piece of sth that has this shape 正方形;四方形;正方形物 ◆ First break the chocolate into squares. 先把巧克力掰成方块。 ◆ The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble. 地上铺的是灰白两色的大理石方砖。 ☞see also set square , T-square in town 城镇 2 ★ [countable ] an open area in a town, usually with four sides, surrounded by buildings (通常为方形的)广场 ◆ The hotel is just off the main square. 旅馆就在主广场附近。 ◆ the market/town/village square 集市╱镇╱村广场 3 Square [singular ] ( abbr.Sq. ) ( used in addresses 用于地址 ) ◆ They live at 95 Russell Square. 他们住在拉塞尔广场 95 号。 mathematics 数学 4 [countable ] the number obtained when you multiply a number by itself 平方;二次幂 ◆ The square of 7 is 49. *7 的平方是 49。 boring person 乏味的人 5 [countable ] ( informal, disapproving) a person who is considered to be boring, for example because they are old-fashioned or because they work too hard at school 乏味的人;古板的人;老古董;书呆子 IDIOM back to square ˈone a return to the situation you were in at the beginning of a project, task, etc, because you have made no real progress (因无进展)回到起点,从头再来 ◆ If this suggestion isn't accepted, we'll be back to square one. 如果这个建议得不到采纳,我们就得从头再来了。 verb shape 使成形 1 to make sth have straight edges and corners 使成正方形;使成四方形 squaresth ◆ It was like trying to square a circle.That is, it was impossible. 这就好比要把圆的变成方的。也就是说,是不可能的。 squaresth off ◆ The boat is rounded at the front but squared off at the back. 这条船船头是圆的,船尾则是方的。 mathematics 数学 2 [usually passive ] squaresth to multiply a number by itself 使成平方;使成二次幂 ◆ Three squared is written 3 2. *3 的平方写作 3 2。 ◆ Four squared equals 16. *4 的平方等于 16。 shoulders 肩膀 3 ~ yourself/your shoulders to make your back and shoulders straight to show you are ready or determined to do sth 挺直身子;挺起胸膛 ◆ Bruno squared himself to face the waiting journalists. 布鲁诺挺起胸膛面对等候的记者。 in sport 体育运动 4 squaresth ( especially BrE) to make the number of points you have scored in a game or competition equal to those of your opponents (使)打成平局,打平 ◆ His goal squared the game 1–1. 他进了一球,使比赛打成 1:1 平。 pay money 付钱 5 squaresb ( informal) to pay money to sb in order to get their help 贿赂;收买;买通 ◆ They must have squared the mayor before they got their plan underway. 一定是买通了市长,他们的计划才得以实施。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌsquare sth↔aˈway [usually passive ] ( NAmE) to put sth in order; to finish sth completely 归整;办妥;了结 ˌsquare ˈoff (against sb) ( NAmE) to fight or prepare to fight sb (和某人)打斗;摆好架势(和某人)打斗 ˌsquare ˈup (to sb/sth) 1 to face a difficult situation and deal with it in a determined way 勇敢地面对;毅然面对 2 to face sb as if you are going to fight them 气势汹汹地面对(某人);摆好与(某人)打斗的架势 ˌsquare ˈup (with sb) to pay money that you owe (向某人)付清欠款;(与某人)结清账 ◆ Can I leave you to square up with the waiter? 我先走,你来和服务员结账好不好? ˈsquare sth with sth | ˈsquare with sth to make two ideas, facts or situations agree or combine well with each other; to agree or be consistentwith another idea, fact or situation (使)与…一致,与…相符 ◆ The interests of farmers need to be squared with those of consumers. 农场主的利益需要同消费者的利益相一致。 ◆ How can you square this with your conscience? 做这样的事你怎么能问心无愧呢? ◆ Your theory does not square with the facts. 你的理论与事实不符。 ˈsquare sth with sb to ask permission or check with sb that they approve of what you want to do 就…征得…同意(或认可) ◆ I think I'll be able to come, but I'll square it with my parents first. 我想我能来,不过我要先征得我父母的同意。 adverb ( only used afterthe verb 仅用于动词后 ) directly; not at an angle 正对着地;迳直地 SYN squarely ◆ I looked her square in the face. 我直视着她的脸。 IDIOMsee fair adv. square / skweə(r) ; NAmE skwer /
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