sore 英 [sɔ:(r)]   美 [sɔr, sor]


sore  英 [sɔ:(r)] 美 [sɔr, sor]

adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;  n. 痛处; 

名词复数:sores  比较级:sorer  最高级:sorest 

to have a sore throat 嗓子疼
His feet were sore after the walk. 他走路把脚都走疼了。

  • A sore is a broken patch of skin — something you might put a bandage on — or it's something that gives you pain, like a sore throat, that’s red and scratchy and painful.
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  • adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;
  • n. 痛处;
  • 1. to have a sore throat


  • 2. His feet were sore after the walk.


  • 3. My stomach is still sore (= painful)after the operation.


  • 4. reduce soreness and swelling


  • sore (adj.) Old English sar "painful, grievous, aching, sad, wounding," influenced in meaning by Old Norse sarr "sore, wounded," from Proto-Germanic *saira- "suffering, sick, ill" (source also of Old Frisian sar "painful," Middle Dutch seer, Dutch zeer "sore, ache," Old High German ser "painful," Gothic sair "pain, sorrow, travail"), from PIE root *sai- (1) "suffering" (source also of Old Irish saeth "pain, sickness").
  • sore (n.) Old English sar "bodily pain or injury, wound; sickness, disease; state of pain or suffering," from root of sore (adj.). Now restricted to ulcers, boils, blisters. Compare Old Saxon ser "pain, wound," Middle Dutch seer, Dutch zeer, Old High German ser, Old Norse sar, Gothic sair.
sore / sɔː(r) ; NAmE sɔːr / adjective , noun sore sores sorer sorest adjective 1 if a part of your body is sore,it is painful, and often red, especially because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much (发炎)疼痛的;酸痛的 to have a sore throat 嗓子疼 His feet were sore after the walk. 他走路把脚都走疼了。 My stomach is still sore (= painful)after the operation. 手术后,我的胃还在疼。 synonyms at painful 2 [not before noun ] sore(at sb/about sth) ( informal) ( especially NAmE) upset and angry, especially because you have been treated unfairly 气恼;愤慨;愤愤不平 SYN annoyed sore·ness / ; NAmE / noun [uncountable ] an ointment to reduce soreness and swelling 止痛消肿软膏 IDIOMS a ˌsore ˈpoint a subject that makes you feel angry or upset when it is mentioned 心病;疼处;伤心事 It's a sore point with Sue's parents that the children have not been baptized yet. 孩子们至今未受洗礼,这是苏的父母的一件伤心事。 stand/stick out like a sore ˈthumb to be very noticeable in an unpleasant way 招眼;扎眼 more at bear n. , sight n. noun a painful, often red, place on your body where there is a wound or an infection 痛处;伤处;疮 SYN wound open sores 开放性溃疡 see also bedsore , canker sore , cold sore sore / sɔː(r) ; NAmE sɔːr / sore·ness / ; NAmE /
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