plague 英 [pleɪg]   美 [pleɡ]


plague  英 [pleɪg] 美 [pleɡ]

n. 瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人  vt. 折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸 

进行时:plaguing  过去式:plagued  过去分词:plagued  第三人称单数:plagues  名词复数:plagues 

A terrible plague hit the whole Europe. 一场可怕的瘟疫袭击了整个欧洲。
The population was decimated by a plague. 人口中的大部分被一场瘟疫所毁。

  • When the homeowner described her ant problem as a plague, the exterminator thought she was being a bit melodramatic. After all, a few bugs aren't exactly a huge calamity.
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  • n. 瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人
  • vt. 折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸
  • 1. A terrible plague hit the whole Europe.


  • 2. The population was decimated by a plague.


  • 3. The plague was greatly feared in the Middle Ages.


  • plague (n.) late 14c., plage, "affliction, calamity, evil, scourge;" early 15c., "malignant disease," from Old French plage (14c.), from Late Latin plaga, used in Vulgate for "pestilence," from Latin plaga "stroke, wound," probably from root of plangere "to strike, lament (by beating the breast)," from or cognate with Greek (Doric) plaga "blow," from PIE root *plak- (2)"to strike."
  • plague (v.) late 15c., from Middle Dutch plaghen, from plaghe (n.) "plague" (see plague (n.)). Sense of "bother, annoy" it is first recorded 1590s. Related: Plagued; plaguing.
plague / pleɪɡ ; NAmE pleɪɡ / noun , verb plague plagues plagued plaguing noun 1 ( alsothe plague ) [uncountable ] = bubonic plague an outbreak of plague 鼠疫的爆发 2 [countable ] any infectious disease that kills a lot of people 死亡率高的传染病 SYN epidemic the plague of AIDS 艾滋病这种严重的传染病 3 [countable ] plagueof sth large numbers of an animal or insect that come into an area and cause great damage (大批动物或昆虫肆虐造成的)灾害,祸患 a plague of locusts/rats, etc. 蝗灾、鼠害等 IDIOMsee avoid verb 1 plaguesb/sth (with sth) to cause pain or trouble to sb/sth over a period of time 给…造成长时间的痛苦(或麻烦);困扰;折磨;使受煎熬 SYN trouble to be plagued bydoubt 为疑虑所困扰 Financial problems are plaguing the company. 财政问题使这家公司焦头烂额。 The team has been plagued by injury this season. 本赛季这支队一直为队员受伤所困扰。 2 plaguesb (with sth) to annoy sb or create problems, especially by asking for sth, demanding attention, etc. 纠缠;缠磨;缠扰 SYN hound Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters. 摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名的纠缠。 plague / pleɪɡ ; NAmE pleɪɡ /
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