snag 英 [snæg]   美 [snæɡ]


snag  英 [snæg] 美 [snæɡ]

n. 障碍;意外障碍;突出物  vt. 抓住机会;造成阻碍;清除障碍物  vi. 被绊住;形成障碍 

进行时:snagging  过去式:snagged  过去分词:snagged  第三人称单数:snags  名词复数:snags 

But unfortunately there's a snag. 但不幸的是有一个障碍。
However, there's a snag. 然而,这里有一个障碍。

  • A snag is something sharp that sticks out, like a splinter or a dead tree branch. It’s also a hitch in a plan. If you develop a terrible cat allergy, your lifelong dream of being a cat trainer has hit a snag.
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  • n. 障碍;意外障碍;突出物
  • vt. 抓住机会;造成阻碍;清除障碍物
  • vi. 被绊住;形成障碍
  • 1. But unfortunately there's a snag.


  • 2. However, there's a snag.


  • snag (n.) 1570s, "stump of a tree, branch," of Scandinavian origin, compare Old Norse snagi "clothes peg," snaga "a kind of ax," snag-hyrndr "snag-cornered, with sharp points." The ground sense seems to be "a sharp protuberance." The meaning "sharp or jagged projection" is first recorded 1580s; especially "tree or branch in water and partly near the surface, so as to be dangerous to navigation" (1807). The figurative meaning "obstacle, impediment" is from 1829.
  • snag (v.) "be caught on an impediment," 1807, from snag (n.). Originally in American English, often in reference to steamboats caught on branches and stumps lodged in riverbeds. Of fabric, from 1967. The transitive meaning "to catch, steal, pick up" is U.S. colloquial, attested from 1895. Related: Snagged; snagging.
snag / snæɡ ; NAmE snæɡ / noun , verb snag snags snagged snagging noun 1 ( informal) a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden or unexpected (尤指潜在的、意外的、不严重的)问题,困难,障碍,麻烦 SYN difficulty There is just one small snag—where is the money coming from? 只有一个小问题:钱从哪儿来? Let me know if you run into any snags. 要是遇到什么麻烦就告诉我。 2 an object or a part of an object that is rough or sharp and may cut sth 突出物;尖齿;尖角;尖刺 3 ( AustralE, NZE) ( informal) a sausage 香肠 verb ( -gg- ) 1 [transitive ,  intransitive ] to catch or tear sth on sth rough or sharp; to become caught or torn in this way (在带尖的东西上)钩住,挂破,被钩住,被挂破 snagsth on/in sth I snagged my sweater on the wire fence. 我的毛衣被铁丝网钩住了。 snagsth The fence snagged my sweater. 栅栏把我的毛衣挂住了。 snag(on/in sth) The nets snagged on some rocks. 渔网缠在礁石上了。 2 [transitive ] snagsth (from sb) ( NAmE) ( informal) to succeed in getting sth quickly, often before other people 抓住;抢先获得 I snagged a ride from Joe. 我截住乔的车搭了一段路。 snag / snæɡ ; NAmE snæɡ /
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