smuggler 英 [ˈsmʌglə(r)]   美 [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lər]


smuggler  英 [ˈsmʌglə(r)] 美 [ˈsmʌɡ(ə)lər]

n. 走私者;走私犯;[法] 走私船 


A few weeks ago a prominent white rancher near the border was killed, possibly by a smuggler or illegal immigrant. 几周前,一位著名的白人大农场主在边境附近被杀害,可能是走私者或非法移民所为。
On the other hand, he was a smuggler and a pirate who stole a small fortune over his career (although he became known for treating enemy captives well). 另一方面,他是个走私犯和海盗,在他海盗生涯中还偷过一小笔财富(虽然他以优待敌方俘虏而闻名)。

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  • n. 走私者;走私犯;[法] 走私船
  • 1. A few weeks ago a prominent white rancher near the border was killed, possibly by a smuggler or illegal immigrant.


  • 2. On the other hand, he was a smuggler and a pirate who stole a small fortune over his career (although he became known for treating enemy captives well).


  • 3. Ahmed introduced another friend, a smuggler, whose towering new home rose from the desert near Rafah, a mansion by local standards, and an absolute advertisement for his line of work.


  • smuggler (n.) 1660s, from Low German smuggeln or Dutch smokkelen "to transport (goods) illegally," apparently a frequentative formation of a word meaning "to sneak" (from Proto-Germanic *smuganan; source also of Dutch smuigen "to eat secretly;" Swedish smyg "a lurking-hole," Danish smughandel "contraband trade," Norwegian smjuga, Old English smeogan "to creep"), perhaps literally "to slip (contraband through)," from Proto-Germanic *(s)muk- (see smock).
smug·gler / ˈsmʌɡlə(r) ; NAmE ˈsmʌɡlər / noun a person who takes goods into or out of a country illegally 走私者 smuggler smugglers smug·gler / ˈsmʌɡlə(r) ; NAmE ˈsmʌɡlər /
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