smoky 英 [ˈsməʊki]   美 [ˈsmoʊki]


smoky  英 [ˈsməʊki] 美 [ˈsmoʊki]

adj. 冒烟的;烟熏味的;熏着的;呛人的;烟状的 

名词复数:smokies  比较级:smokier  最高级:smokiest 

It was an eerie walk down the smoky stairs, a path to safety that ran through the suffering. 沿着充满浓烟的楼梯下行是个恐怖的历程--通往安全的一段痛苦之路。
But like most outsiders who have spent time there, I naturally wondered: now that I’d recovered, would smoky urban China start killing me for real? 但像大多数花时间在那里的外国人一样,我自然感到困惑:既然我恢复了,那么中国黑烟城市是否真的在谋杀我呢?

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  • adj. 冒烟的;烟熏味的;熏着的;呛人的;烟状的
  • 1. It was an eerie walk down the smoky stairs, a path to safety that ran through the suffering.


  • 2. But like most outsiders who have spent time there, I naturally wondered: now that I’d recovered, would smoky urban China start killing me for real?


  • 3. Researchers at the University of Bristol in England hope to deploy the poodle-size ‘bot in search-and-rescue missions where vision is impaired, like in mines or smoky rooms.


  • smoky (adj.) early 14c., "emitting smoke," from smoke (n.) + -y (2). Meaning "filled with smoke" and meaning "resembling smoke" are from late 14c. Of flavors, from 1540s; of colors, from 1550s. Related: Smokiness.
smoky / ˈsməʊki ; NAmE ˈsmoʊki / adjective ( smoki·er , smoki·est ) 1 full of smoke 烟雾弥漫的 a smoky atmosphere 烟雾弥漫的空气 a smoky pub 烟雾腾腾的酒吧 2 producing a lot of smoke 多烟的;冒出大量烟的 a smoky fire 冒着浓烟的火 3 tasting or smelling like smoke 有烟熏味的 a smoky flavour 烟熏味 4 having the colour or appearance of smoke 烟灰色的;似烟的 smoky blue glass 灰蓝色玻璃 OPP clear smoky smokier smokiest smoky / ˈsməʊki ; NAmE ˈsmoʊki /
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