smother 英 [ˈsmʌðə(r)]   美 [ˈsmʌðɚ]


smother  英 [ˈsmʌðə(r)] 美 [ˈsmʌðɚ]

vt. 使窒息;抑制;(用灰等)闷熄;忍住  vi. 窒息;被抑制;闷死  n. 窒息状态;令人窒息的浓烟 

进行时:smothering  过去式:smothered  过去分词:smothered  第三人称单数:smothers  名词复数:smothers 

He didn’t stare into her eyes or smother her the way Barry had, but he made it clear that he was available. 他并没有象巴里那样一直凝视她的眼睛或让她透不过气来,但他很明显非常在乎她。
The mischief that it does at present is produced by our efforts to ignore it, or to smother it under a heap of sentimental lies and false pretences. 目前,通过我们努力的忽略这个事实,亦或是把事实掩盖在一堆情感谎言和虚假伪装之下,这出可笑的闹剧在不断地上演着。

  • To smother is to overwhelm or suffocate. If you've ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend who calls you twenty five times an hour to check up on you, then you know what it means to be smothered by someone.
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  • vt. 使窒息;抑制;(用灰等)闷熄;忍住
  • vi. 窒息;被抑制;闷死
  • n. 窒息状态;令人窒息的浓烟
  • 1. He didn’t stare into her eyes or smother her the way Barry had, but he made it clear that he was available.


  • 2. The mischief that it does at present is produced by our efforts to ignore it, or to smother it under a heap of sentimental lies and false pretences.


  • 3. It's OK; the predominant flavour is of vinegar, but then I have wrapped the meat around the horseradish in an attempt to smother its flavour with steak.


  • smother (v.) c. 1200, "to suffocate with smoke," from smother (n.), earlier smorthre "dense, suffocating smoke" (late 12c.), from stem of Old English smorian "to suffocate, choke, strangle, stifle," cognate with Middle Dutch smoren, German schmoren; possibly connected to smolder. Meaning "to kill by suffocation in any manner" is from 1540s; sense of "to extinguish a fire" is from 1590s. Sense of "stifle, repress" is first recorded 1570s; meaning "to cover thickly (with some substance)" is from 1590s. Related: Smothered; smothering.
smother / ˈsmʌðə(r) ; NAmE ˈsmʌðər / verb 1 smothersb (with sth) to kill sb by covering their face so that they cannot breathe 使窒息而死;闷死 SYN suffocate He smothered the baby with a pillow. 他用枕头把婴儿闷死了。 2 smothersth/sb with/in sth to cover sth/sb thickly or with too much of sth (用某物)厚厚地覆盖 a rich dessert smothered in cream 涂了厚厚一层奶油的多脂甜点 She smothered him with kisses. 她劈头盖脑给他一通狂吻。 3 smothersth to prevent sth from developing or being expressed 抑制;扼杀;忍住 SYN stifle to smother a yawn/giggle/grin 把哈欠忍了回去;憋住不笑出声来;刚想张嘴笑又收了回去 The voices of the opposition were effectively smothered. 反对党的声音被有效地压制了下去。 4 smothersb to give sb too much love or protection so that they feel restricted (因溺爱等)使…觉得压抑 Her husband was very loving, but she felt smothered. 丈夫对她百般宠爱,但这让她觉得不自在。 5 smothersth to make a fire stop burning by covering it with sth 把(火)闷熄 He tried to smother the flames with a blanket. 他试图用毯子把火扑灭。 smother smothers smothered smothering smother / ˈsmʌðə(r) ; NAmE ˈsmʌðər /
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