regular 英 [ˈregjələ(r)]   美 [ˈrɛɡjəlɚ]


regular  英 [ˈregjələ(r)] 美 [ˈrɛɡjəlɚ]

adj. 有规律的;经常的;通常的 


A light flashed at regular intervals. 一盏灯有规律地闪着亮光。
The equipment is checked on a regular basis. 设备定期进行检查。

  • The adjective regular is useful for describing something that happens in a specific way again and again, like your regular tasks at work.
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  • adj. 有规律的;经常的;通常的
  • 1. A light flashed at regular intervals.


  • 2. The equipment is checked on a regular basis.


  • 3. Do you take regular exercise?


  • 4. our regular customers


  • 5. He was a regular visitor to her house.


  • 6. I couldn't see my regular doctor today.


  • 7. It's important to follow the regular procedure.


  • 8. a face with regular features


  • 9. a regular income


  • 10. Do you want regular or diet cola?


  • 11. a regular army, a regular soldier


  • regular (adj.) late 14c., from Old French reguler "ecclesiastical" (Modern French régulier), from Late Latin regularis "containing rules for guidance," from Latin regula "rule, straight piece of wood," from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight line."
  • regular (n.) c. 1400, "member of a religious order," from regular (adj.). Sense of "soldier of a standing army" is from 1756. Meaning "regular customer" is from 1852; meaning "leaded gasoline" is from 1978.
regu·lar / ˈreɡjələ(r) ; NAmE ˈreɡjələr / adjective , noun regular regulars adjective following pattern 规律 1 following a pattern, especially with the same time and space in between each thing and the next 规则的;有规律的;间隙均匀的;定时的 regular breathing 均匀的呼吸 a regular pulse/heartbeat 正常的脉搏╱心跳 A light flashed at regular intervals. 一盏灯有规律地闪着亮光。 There is a regular bus service to the airport. 有公共汽车定时开往机场。 regular meetings/visits 定期会议╱访问 The equipment is checked on a regular basis. 设备定期进行检查。 OPP irregular frequent 频繁 2 done or happening often 频繁的;经常做(或发生)的 Do you take regular exercise? 你经常锻炼吗? Domestic violence is a regular occurrence in some families. 在某些家庭中,家庭暴力是常事。 OPP irregular 3 [only before noun ] (of people ) doing the same thing or going to the same place often 经常做某事的;常去某地的 our regular customers 老主顾 regular offenders (= against the law) 惯犯 He was a regular visitor to her house. 他是她家的常客。 usual 通常 4 [only before noun ] usual 通常的;平常的;惯常的 I couldn't see my regular doctor today. 我今天找不到平常给我看病的医生。 On Monday he would have to return to his regular duties. 星期一,他就得回去正常上班了。 It's important to follow the regular procedure. 按照惯常的程序行事是很重要的。 even 匀称 5 having an even shape 均匀的;端正的;齐整的 a face with regular features 五官端正的脸庞 a regular geometric pattern 正几何图形 OPP irregular permanent 持久 6 lasting or happening over a long period 持久的;稳定的;固定的 a regular income 固定的收入 She couldn't find any regular employment. 她找不到任何固定工作。 standard size 标准尺寸 7 ( especially NAmE) of a standard size 标准尺寸的;中等大小的;中号的 Regular or large fries? 中号的还是大号的炸薯条? ordinary 普通 8 [only before noun ] ( especially NAmE) ordinary; without any special or extra features 普通的;平凡的 Do you want regular or diet cola? 你要普通的还是低热量的可乐? ( approving) He's just a regular guy who loves his dog. 他也不过是个十分疼爱自己狗儿的平凡人。 soldier 士兵 9 [only before noun ] belonging to or connected with the permanent armed forces or police force of a country 常备军的;正规军的 a regular army/soldier 正规军;正规军士兵 OPP irregular grammar 语法 10 (especially of verbs or nouns 尤指动词或名词 ) changing their form in the same way as most other verbs and nouns 规则的;按规则变化的 The past participle of regular verbs ends in ‘-ed’. 规则动词的过去分词以 -ed 结尾。 OPP irregular for emphasis 强调 11 ( informal) used for emphasis to show that sb/sth is an exact or clear example of the thing mentioned 完全的;彻底的 The whole thing was a regular disaster. 整个事情完全是一场灾难。 IDIOM (as) regular as ˈclockwork very regularly; happening at the same time in the same way 非常有规律;极有规律 He is home by six every day, regular as clockwork. 他每天 6 点前必定准时回到家。 noun customer 顾客 1 a customer who often goes to a particular shop/store, pub, restaurant, etc. 常客;老主顾 He's one of our regulars. 他是我们的一位老主顾。 member of team 队员 2 a person who often plays in a particular team, takes part in a particular television show, etc. 主力(或正式)队员;(电视节目的)固定主持人;经常参加某项活动的人 We are missing six first-team regulars because of injury. 我们有六位一线主力队员因伤不能出场。 soldier 士兵 3 a professional soldier who belongs to a country's permanent army 正规军人;职业军人 regu·lar / ˈreɡjələ(r) ; NAmE ˈreɡjələr /
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