careful 英 [ˈkeəfl]   美 [ˈkerfl]


careful  英 [ˈkeəfl] 美 [ˈkerfl]

adj. 仔细的,小心的 

Be careful! 小心!
He was careful to keep out of sight. 他小心翼翼地躲开别人的视线。

  • If you consider all consequences and do a task thoughtfully, take your time and watch what you are doing, you are being careful. Can you ever be too careful? If you're a stunt man, yes. If you're an accountant, no.
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  • adj. 仔细的,小心的
  • 1. Be careful!


  • 2. He was careful to keep out of sight.


  • 3. Be careful not to wake the baby.


  • 4. Be careful of the traffic.


  • 5. a careful piece of work


  • 6. a careful examination of the facts


  • careful (adj.) Old English cearful "mournful, sad," also "full of care or woe; anxious; full of concern" (for someone or something), thus "applying attention, painstaking, circumspect" (late Old English), the main modern sense; from care (n.) + -ful. In Middle English also "miserable, unfortunate," of persons or things; "causing fear, frightening, terrible." Careful-bed (early 14c.) was "sick-bed;" careful-day (c. 1200) was "judgment day."
care·ful / ˈkeəfl ; NAmE ˈkerfl / adjective 1 [not before noun ] giving attention or thought to what you are doing so that you avoid hurting yourself, damaging sth or doing sth wrong 小心;注意;谨慎 Be careful! 小心! carefulto do sth He was careful to keep out of sight. 他小心翼翼地躲开别人的视线。 carefulnot to do sth Be careful not to wake the baby. 注意别吵醒了宝宝。 carefulwhen/what/how, etc. You must be careful when handling chemicals. 搬运化学品必须小心谨慎。 carefulof/about/with sth Be careful of the traffic. 注意交通安全。 Please be careful with my glasses (= Don't break them). 请当心别打碎我的眼镜。 careful(that)… Be careful you don't bump your head. 留神别撞了你的头。 2 giving a lot of attention to details 细致的;精心的;慎重的 a careful piece of work 精雕细琢的作品 a careful examination of the facts 对事实的仔细调查 After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the job. 经过慎重考虑后,我们决定给你这份工作。 OPP careless care·ful·ly / ˈkeəfəli ; NAmE ˈkerfəli / adverb Please listen carefully. 请仔细地听。 She put the glass down carefully. 她小心翼翼地放下玻璃杯。 Drive carefully. 小心开车。 OPP carelessly care·ful·ness / ˈkeəfəlnəs ; NAmE ˈkerfəlnəs / noun [uncountable ] IDIOMS you can't be too ˈcareful used to warn sb that they should take care to avoid danger or problems 无论怎样小心也不会过分;越小心越好 Don't stay out in the sun for too long—you can't be too careful. 别在太阳底下待得太久,你得尽量小心。 careful with money not spending money on unimportant things 花钱精打细算;不乱花钱 care·ful / ˈkeəfl ; NAmE ˈkerfl / care·ful·ly / ˈkeəfəli ; NAmE ˈkerfəli / care·ful·ness / ˈkeəfəlnəs ; NAmE ˈkerfəlnəs /
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