reducer 英 [rɪ'djuːsə]   美 [rɪ'dusər]


reducer  英 [rɪ'djuːsə] 美 [rɪ'dusər]

n. [助剂] 还原剂;减径管 


This time you are extending the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.reducer class and implementing its reduce method. 这一次,您将扩展 org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer 类并实现其 reduce 方法。
In reality, we would probably express this more compactly using a method reference to the size() method for our mapper and a predefined reducer for integer summation 在现实情况中,我们的表达方式可能会更紧凑一些,我们的mapper会使用一个size()方法的方法引用,以及整数的求和会用到一个预先定义的reducer

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  • n. [助剂] 还原剂;减径管
  • 1. This time you are extending the org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.reducer class and implementing its reduce method.

    这一次,您将扩展 org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer 类并实现其 reduce 方法。

  • 2. In reality, we would probably express this more compactly using a method reference to the size() method for our mapper and a predefined reducer for integer summation


  • 3. Here, the first lambda expression is the mapper (mapping each element to its size), and the second lambda expression is the reducer, which takes two sizes and adds them.


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