oxidative 英 ['ɒksɪdeɪtɪv]   美 [,ɑksə'detɪv]


oxidative  英 ['ɒksɪdeɪtɪv] 美 [,ɑksə'detɪv]

adj. [化学] 氧化的 

It might help us cope with oxidative stress at the cellular level as we age. Turning the switch “on” might have damaging side effects. 也许这能帮助我们在上了年纪时对付细胞水平上的氧化压力,把开关打开可能会导致破坏性的副作用。
Robertson: oxidative stress is an accumulation of molecules that comes about because of chemical reactions, or stuff we ingest, things that get in our body. 罗伯逊:氧化应激是一种由化学反应或我们摄取的东西——即被我们身体吸收的物质——造成的毒性分子堆积。

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  • adj. [化学] 氧化的
  • 1. It might help us cope with oxidative stress at the cellular level as we age. Turning the switch “on” might have damaging side effects.


  • 2. Robertson: oxidative stress is an accumulation of molecules that comes about because of chemical reactions, or stuff we ingest, things that get in our body.


  • 3. There are other antioxidants in cells that then process the hydrogen peroxide, so SOD is only a part of a much more complex mechanism for fighting oxidative damage.


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