hydrologist [haɪ'drɑlədʒɪst]  


hydrologist  [haɪ'drɑlədʒɪst]

n. 水文学者 


Matthew McCartney is a hydrologist at the International Water Management Institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Matthew McCartney是埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的国际水管理研究所的水文学家。
hydrologist John Mullaney, of the USGS's Connecticut Water Science Center, says that the data further clarify how urbanization affects waterways. 美国地质调查局康涅狄格水文科学中心的水文专家约翰 马拉尼称数据也证明了城市化如何影响水路。

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  • n. 水文学者
  • 1. Matthew McCartney is a hydrologist at the International Water Management Institute in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Matthew McCartney是埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的国际水管理研究所的水文学家。

  • 2. hydrologist John Mullaney, of the USGS's Connecticut Water Science Center, says that the data further clarify how urbanization affects waterways.

    美国地质调查局康涅狄格水文科学中心的水文专家约翰 马拉尼称数据也证明了城市化如何影响水路。

  • 3. "The severity of chloride concentrations in the streams was much greater than we expected, " says hydrologist Steve Corsi of the USGS's Wisconsin Water Science Center, lead author of the paper.

    美国地质调查局威斯康辛水文科学中心的水文专家史蒂夫 柯西说:“溪流中率浓度之高远远出乎我们意料”。

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