reclusive 英 [rɪ'kluːsɪv]   美 [rɪ'klʊsɪv]


reclusive  英 [rɪ'kluːsɪv] 美 [rɪ'klʊsɪv]

adj. 隐居的;隐遁的 

Another character, Vida Winter, is England's most famous reclusive writer, whose life story is coming to an end. 另一个人物叫维达-温特,她是英格兰最著名的隐居女作家,她的生命即将终结。
Clinton, who had dinner with North Korea's normally reclusive leader, flew out of Pyongyang last night with the journalists en route to reuniting them with their families in Los Angeles. 克林顿与一般隐居的北朝鲜领导人共进一餐后,才于昨晚与两名获释美国记者飞离平壤,他们将于洛杉矶与他们的家人重逢。

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  • adj. 隐居的;隐遁的
  • 1. Another character, Vida Winter, is England's most famous reclusive writer, whose life story is coming to an end.


  • 2. Clinton, who had dinner with North Korea's normally reclusive leader, flew out of Pyongyang last night with the journalists en route to reuniting them with their families in Los Angeles.


  • 3. They became great friends, and remain in touch to this day, despite Harper Lee's reputation, at the age of 83, for being reclusive.

    后来她们成为了很要好的朋友,直到今天还保持着联系。 尽管83岁的哈泼·李如今是以隐遁而闻名的。

  • reclusive (adj.) 1590s, from recluse + -ive. Recluse alone formerly served also as an adjective in English (early 13c.).
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