orb 英 [ɔːb]   美 [ɔrb]


orb  英 [ɔːb] 美 [ɔrb]

n. 球;天体;圆形物  vt. 成球形;弄圆;围着  vi. 沿轨道运行 

进行时:orbing  过去式:orbed  过去分词:orbed  第三人称单数:orbs  名词复数:orbs 

The orb will project the time onto a wall or surface or your wrist and easily be lost when kicked or played with by a dog. 这个小球可以在墙上,物体表面上,亦或是你的手腕上投射时间,但是一旦被你家的狗狗踢弄和当做玩具时,它也是很容易就不翼而飞的。
However, when performance problems or load balancing issues arise, in-depth knowledge of the orb can greatly enhance the the problem determination effort and reduce time to resolution. 然而,当性能问题或负载平衡问题出现时,有关 ORB 的深入知识可以极大地增强问题确定工作,并减少问题解决时间。

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  • n. 球;天体;圆形物
  • vt. 成球形;弄圆;围着
  • vi. 沿轨道运行
  • 1. The orb will project the time onto a wall or surface or your wrist and easily be lost when kicked or played with by a dog.


  • 2. However, when performance problems or load balancing issues arise, in-depth knowledge of the orb can greatly enhance the the problem determination effort and reduce time to resolution.

    然而,当性能问题或负载平衡问题出现时,有关 ORB 的深入知识可以极大地增强问题确定工作,并减少问题解决时间。

  • 3. The glassy orb, an image of the world or the cosmos, makes you think of Leonardo's scientific research and his philosophy of the microcosm of the human being within the macrocosm of the universe.


orb / ɔːb ; NAmE ɔːrb / noun 1 ( literary) an object shaped like a ball, especially the sun or moon 球体;(尤指)日,月 2 a gold ball with a cross on top, carried by a king or queen at formal ceremonies as a symbol of power 王权宝球(国王或女王在正式仪式上携带的顶部饰十字架的金球,是权力的象征) compare sceptre orb orbs orb / ɔːb ; NAmE ɔːrb /
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