purview 英 ['pɜːvjuː]   美 ['pɝvju]


purview  英 ['pɜːvjuː] 美 ['pɝvju]

n. 范围,权限;视界;条款 


For decades, currency policy has been the purview of the central bank, but the central bank is a politically weak institution. 几十年来,货币政策一直属于中央银行的权力范围,但是央行本身是一个政治薄弱的机构。
Most hotels don’t have a person responsible for handling social media. Many hotels consider this the purview of marketing, public relations, or sales. 许多酒店没有专人负责和处理和社会媒体的关系,许多酒店认为这属于市场、公关或是营销的范围。

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  • n. 范围,权限;视界;条款
  • 1. For decades, currency policy has been the purview of the central bank, but the central bank is a politically weak institution.


  • 2. Most hotels don’t have a person responsible for handling social media. Many hotels consider this the purview of marketing, public relations, or sales.


  • 3. Many market participants have questioned how any hard limit could be enforced, given that different regulatory agencies have purview over different kinds of financing.


  • purview (n.) mid-15c., "body of a statute," from Anglo-French purveuest "it is provided," or purveu que "provided that" (late 13c.), clauses that introduced statutes in old legal documents, from Anglo-French purveu, Old French porveu (Modern French pourvu) "provided," past participle of porveoir "to provide," from Latin providere "look ahead, prepare, supply, act with foresight," from pro "ahead" (see pro-) + videre "to see" (from PIE root *weid- "to see"). Sense of "scope, extent" is first recorded 1788 in "Federalist" (Madison). Modern sense and spelling influenced by view (n.).
pur·view / ˈpɜːvjuː ; NAmE ˈpɜːrvjuː / noun [uncountable ] IDIOM within/outside the purview of sth ( formal) within/outside the limits of what a person, an organization, etc. is responsible for; (not) dealt with by a document, law, etc. 在(个人或组织等的)权限之内/之外;在(文件、法律等的)范围之内/之外 purview purviews pur·view / ˈpɜːvjuː ; NAmE ˈpɜːrvjuː /
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