Aryan 英 ['εəriən]  


Aryan  英 ['εəriən]

n. 雅利安人;印欧语  adj. 雅利安语系的;印欧语系的 


We tell you that the event you call World War ll was an over bleed of that trauma, the Aryan conflict. 我们告诉你,你所称的 第二次世界大战事件 就是那个创伤--雅利安人的冲突—的过度伤痛所致。
In ’42 or ’43, early ’43, I think it was, a Jew was tried before him in a case involving, but only incidentally, relations with an ‘Aryan’ woman. 在42或者43年,我记得是43年初,一个犹太人在他那里因为一个只是由于凑巧牵扯到一个雅利安人妇女的案子而受审。

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  • n. 雅利安人;印欧语
  • adj. 雅利安语系的;印欧语系的
  • 1. We tell you that the event you call World War ll was an over bleed of that trauma, the Aryan conflict.

    我们告诉你,你所称的 第二次世界大战事件 就是那个创伤--雅利安人的冲突—的过度伤痛所致。

  • 2. In ’42 or ’43, early ’43, I think it was, a Jew was tried before him in a case involving, but only incidentally, relations with an ‘Aryan’ woman.


  • 3. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis devastated the island and sent great waves over two thirds of Aryan.

    地震波和海啸毁坏了岛屿,并在雅利安超过三分之二的地区掀起巨大波澜 。

  • Aryan c. 1600, as a term in classical history, from Latin Arianus, Ariana, from Greek Aria, Areia, names applied in classical times to the eastern part of ancient Persia and to its inhabitants. Ancient Persians used the name in reference to themselves (Old Persian ariya-), hence Iran. Ultimately from Sanskrit arya- "compatriot;" in later language "noble, of good family."
Aryan / ˈeəriən ; NAmE ˈeriən / noun 1 a member of the group of people that went to S Asia in around 1500 BC 雅利安人(公元前 1 500 年前后到南亚) 2 a person who spoke any of the languages of the Indo-European group 讲印欧系语言的人 3 (especially according to the ideas of the German Nazi party) a member of a Caucasian, not Jewish, race of people, especially one with fair hair and blue eyes 属于雅利安人种的人(尤指德国纳粹党认为的非犹太民族白种人) Aryan Aryans Aryan adjective Aryan / ˈeəriən ; NAmE ˈeriən /
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