slather 英 ['slæðə]   美 ['slæðɚ]


slather  英 ['slæðə] 美 ['slæðɚ]

n. 大量  vt. 厚厚地涂;大量使用 

进行时:slathering  过去式:slathered  过去分词:slathered  第三人称单数:slathers  名词复数:slathers 

We would slather every wall and every ceiling with the stuff. There would be no stopping us. 我们会用它厚厚地涂在每一跺墙和每一块天花板上,以致使我们停不下来。
Most of us slather on oceans of lotions every day, but we don't think about what might be passing the skin barrier and being absorbed into our bodies. 我们大多数人每天都要涂大量的乳液,但是我们并不知道什么会通过皮肤的屏障,吸收进我们的身体。

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  • n. 大量
  • vt. 厚厚地涂;大量使用
  • 1. We would slather every wall and every ceiling with the stuff. There would be no stopping us.


  • 2. Most of us slather on oceans of lotions every day, but we don't think about what might be passing the skin barrier and being absorbed into our bodies.


  • 3. Staying hydrated will help with itching and drying skin as well as keeping lotion and moisturizers on the skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water and slather moisturizers so your skin can drink too.

    保持肌肤水润有助缓解肌肤瘙痒和干燥,还有助肌肤吸收润肤乳和保湿霜,所以一定要喝很多水,抹大量保湿霜,这样你的肌肤也能“喝” 饱水。

  • slather (v.) "spread liberally," 1847, of uncertain origin. Early 19c. local glossaries from western England have the word with a sense "to slip or slide."
slather / ˈslæðə(r) ; NAmE ˈslæðər / verb PHRASAL VERB ˈslather sth on sth | ˈslather with/in sth | ˌslather sth↔ˈon to cover sth with a thick layer of a substance (在…上)厚厚涂抹 hot dogs slathered with mustard 抹了厚厚一层芥末的热狗 slather slathers slathered slathering slather / ˈslæðə(r) ; NAmE ˈslæðər /
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