read 英 [ri:d]   美 [rid]


read  英 [ri:d] 美 [rid]

v. 阅读 

进行时:reading  过去式:read  过去分词:read  第三人称单数:reads  名词复数:reads 

They are reading books. 我们正在看书。
I can't read your writing. 我看不懂你的笔迹。

  • To read is to scan and understand letters and words, making sense of language. You can also read into something, interpreting a meaning.
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  • v. 阅读
  • 1. They are reading books.


  • 2. I can't read your writing.


  • 3. read a book/a magazine/the newspaper


  • 4. She read us a story.


  • read (adj.) 1580s, "having knowledge gained from reading," in well-read, etc., past-participle adjective from read (v.).
  • read (n.) "an act of reading," 1825, from read (v.).
  • read (v.) Old English rædan (West Saxon), redan (Anglian) "to advise, counsel, persuade; discuss, deliberate; rule, guide; arrange, equip; forebode; read, explain; learn by reading; put in order" (related to ræd, red "advice"), from Proto-Germanic *redan (source also of Old Norse raða, Old Frisian reda, Dutch raden, Old High German ratan, German raten "to advise, counsel, guess"), from PIE root *re- "to reason, count." Words from this root in most modern Germanic languages still mean "counsel, advise" (compare rede). Connected to riddle (n.1) via notion of "interpret."
read verb / riːd ; NAmE riːd / noun / riːd ; NAmE riːd / adjective / red ; NAmE red / read reads reading verb / riːd ; NAmE riːd / ( read , read / red ; NAmE red / ) words/symbols 文字;符号 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words or symbols 识字;阅读;读懂 She's still learning to read. 她还在学习识字。 Some children can read and write before they go to school. 有些孩子在上学前就会看书写字了。 readsth I can't read your writing. 我看不懂你的笔迹。 Can you read music? 你能读懂乐谱吗? I'm trying to read the map. 我正看地图。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to go through written or printed words, etc. in silence or speaking them to other people 读;朗读 I'm going to go to bed and read. 我要上床看书去。 readto sb/yourself He liked reading to his grandchildren. 他喜欢念书给孙子孙女听。 readsth to read a book/a magazine/the newspaper 读书;看杂志╱报纸 Have you read any Steinbeck (= novels by him)? 你读过斯坦贝克的小说吗? He read the poem aloud. 他朗读了这首诗。 readsth to sb/yourself Go on—read it to us. 念吧,念给我们听听。 readsb sth She read us a story. 她给我们读了个故事。 see also proofread discover by reading 读到 3 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时 ) to discover or find out about sb/sth by reading 读到;查阅到 readabout/of sth I read about the accident in the local paper. 我在当地的报纸上看到了这次事故。 readthat… I read that he had resigned. 我看到了他辞职的消息。 readsth Don't believe everything you read in the papers. 报上看到的东西,不能尽信。 sb's mind/thoughts 思想;想法 4 [transitive ] ~ sb's mind/thoughts to guess what sb else is thinking 猜测;揣摩 sb's lips 嘴唇 5 [transitive ] ~ sb's lips to look at the movements of sb's lips to learn what they are saying 观唇辨意;读唇语 see also lip-read understand 理解 6 [transitive ] to understand sth in a particular way 懂得;理解 SYN interpret readsth How do you read the present situation? 你对目前的形势有何看法? readsth as sth Silence must not always be read as consent. 不能总是将沉默理解为同意。 of a piece of writing 书写的东西 7 [transitive ] + speech to have sth written on it; to be written in a particular way 写着;写成 The sign read ‘No admittance’. 告示牌上写着“禁止入内”。 I've changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows… 我已经修改了最后一段。现在是这样写的… 8 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to give a particular impression when read 读起来(给人以某种印象) Generally, the article reads very well. 一般而言,这篇文章读起来很不错。 The poem reads like (= sounds as if it is)a translation. 这首诗读起来像是译文。 measuring instrument 测量仪器 9 [transitive ] readsth (of measuring instruments 测量仪器 ) to show a particular weight, pressure, etc. 读数为;显示 What does the thermometer read? 温度计的读数是多少? 10 [transitive ] readsth to get information from a measuring instrument 看读数 A man came to read the gas meter. 一个男子来查了煤气表。 hear 11 [transitive ] readsb to hear and understand sb speaking on a radio set 听到,听明白(用无线电机讲的话) ‘Do you read me?’ ‘I'm reading you loud and clear.’ “你听得见我的话吗?”“听见了,你的声音又大又清楚。” replace word 替换文字 12 [transitive ] readA for B | readB as A to replace one word, etc. with another when correcting a text 替换;将…改为 For ‘madam’ in line 3 read ‘madman’. 第 3 行中的 madam 应为 madman。 subject at university 大学课程 13 [transitive ,  intransitive ] ( BrE) ( rather old-fashioned) to study a subject, especially at a university 学习;攻读;主修 readsth I read English at Oxford. 我在牛津攻读英语。 readfor sth She's reading for a law degree. 她在攻读法学学位。 computing 计算机技术 14 [transitive ] (of a computer or the person using it 计算机或计算机使用者 ) to take information from a disk 读盘;从磁盘提取信息 readsth My computer can't read the CD-ROM you sent. 我的电脑不能读你送来的光盘。 readsth into sth to read a file into a computer 把文件读入电脑 IDIOMS ˌread between the ˈlines to look for or discover a meaning in sth that is not openly stated 领悟隐含的意义;看出言外之意 Reading between the lines, I think Clare needs money. 斟酌一下她的言外之意,我觉得克莱尔需要钱。 ˌread sb like a ˈbook to understand easily what sb is thinking or feeling 轻易地了解某人的想法(或感受);看透某人 ˌread my ˈlips ( informal) used to tell sb to listen carefully to what you are saying 请听清楚;请注意听 Read my lips: no new taxes (= I promise there will be no new taxes). 注意听我说:不会征新税。 ˌread (sb) the ˈRiot Act ( BrE) to tell sb with force that they must not do sth 警告(某人)不得做某事 ORIGIN From an Act of Parliament passed in 1715 to prevent riots. It made it illegal for a group of twelve or more people to refuse to split up if they were ordered to do so and part of the Act was read to them. 源自 1715 年通过的防止暴乱的议会法案。法案规定如果十二名或以上的人集结,在宣布解散命令并宣读相关条文后仍拒绝解散,则视为非法。 ˌtake it/sth as ˈread ( BrE) to accept sth without discussing it 直接认定为;不经讨论即认可 Can we take it as read that you want the job? 我们能不能认为你想要这份工作? PHRASAL VERBS ˌread sth↔ˈback to read a message, etc. to others in order to check that it is correct 读出(以便核对) ˌread sth ˈinto sth to think that sth means more than it really does 把本没有的意思加进去解释;对…作过多的理解 Don't read too much into what she says. 不要在她的话里加进太多自己的理解。 ˌread ˈon to continue reading 继续读;接着读 That's the story so far. Now read on… 故事就讲到这里。现在接着读… ˌread sth↔ˈout to read sth using your voice, especially to other people (尤指向别人)读,朗读 ˌread sth↔ˈover/ˈthrough to read sth carefully from beginning to end to look for mistakes or check details 认真通读;仔细核对 ˌread sth↔ˈup | ˌread ˈup on sb/sth to read a lot about a subject (就某课题)广泛阅读,博览群书 I'll need to read up on the case before the meeting. 在开会前,我需要看一些有关这件事的材料。 noun / riːd ; NAmE riːd / [singular ] ( informal) 1 ( especially BrE) an act or a period of reading sth 阅读;读书 I was having a quiet read when the phone rang. 我在静静地看书,忽然电话铃响了。 2 a good, interesting, etc. ~ a book, an article, etc. that is good, etc. 好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等) His thrillers are always a gripping read. 他的惊险小说向来引人入胜。 adjective / red ; NAmE red / ( used after an adverb 用于副词后 ) (of a person ) having knowledge that has been gained from reading books, etc. 博学的;熟知的;精通的 She's very widely read in law. 她在法律方面知识渊博。 see also well read read / riːd ; NAmE riːd /
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