proof 英 [pru:f]   美 [pruf]


proof  英 [pru:f] 美 [pruf]

n. 证据;  adj. 防…的;抗…的 

进行时:proofing  过去式:proofed  过去分词:proofed  第三人称单数:proofs  名词复数:proofs 

positive/conclusive proof 确切的╱确凿的证据
Can you provide any proof of identity? 你能提供什么身分证明吗?

  • Proof is the evidence that shows something is true or valid. When you show the logical steps that take you from your hypothesis that the world is round to the conclusion that it is, you're formulating a proof.
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  • n. 证据;
  • adj. 防…的;抗…的
  • 1. positive/conclusive proof


  • 2. Can you provide any proof of identity?


  • 3. Keep the receipt as proof of purchase.


  • 4. There is no proof that the knife belonged to her.


  • 5. rainproof/windproof clothing


  • 6. proofed canvas


  • 7. The car has childproof locks on the rear doors.


  • 8. an inflation-proof pension plan


  • proof (n.) early 13c., preove "evidence to establish the fact of (something)," from Anglo-French preove, Old French prueve "proof, test, experience" (13c., Modern French preuve), from Late Latin proba "a proof," a back-formation from Latin probare "to prove" (see prove). "The devocalization of v to f ensued upon the loss of final e; cf. the relation of v and f in believe, belief, relieve, relief, behove, behoof, etc. [OED].
  • proof (v.) 1834, "to test," from proof (n.). From 1950 as short for proofread (v.). Related: Proofed; proofing.
proof / pruːf ; NAmE pruːf / noun , adjective , verb proof proofs proofed proofing noun 1 [uncountable ,  countable ] information, documents, etc. that show that sth is true 证据;证明 SYN evidence positive/conclusive proof 确切的╱确凿的证据 proofof sth Can you provide any proof of identity? 你能提供什么身分证明吗? Keep the receipt as proof of purchase. 保存发票,作为购物证明。 These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability. 这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。 proofthat… There is no proof that the knife belonged to her. 没有证据证明那把刀子是属于她的。 2 [uncountable ] the process of testing whether sth is true or a fact 检验;证实 Is the claim capable of proof? 这个说法能证明是正确的吗? see also burden of proof 3 [countable ] ( mathematics ) a way of proving that a statement is true or that what you have calculated is correct 证明;求证;验算 4 [countable ,  usually plural ] a copy of printed material which is produced so that mistakes can be corrected 校样 She was checking the proofs of her latest novel. 她正在审阅她的新小说的校样。 5 [uncountable ] a standard used to measure the strength of alcoholic drinks (酒的)标准酒精度 IDIOM the proof of the ˈpudding (is in the ˈeating) ( saying) you can only judge if sth is good or bad when you have tried it 只有通过体验才能判断事物的好坏 more at living adj. adjective 1 proofagainst sth ( formal) that can resist the damaging or harmful effects of sth 能抵御;能防范;可防护 The sea wall was not proof against the strength of the waves. 防波堤挡不住海浪的力量。 2 ( in compounds 构成复合词 ) that can resist or protect against the thing mentioned 防…的;抗…的 rainproof/windproofclothing 防雨╱防风服装 The car has childproof locks on the rear doors. 汽车后门装有防止儿童开启的锁。 an inflation-proof pension plan 已考虑通货膨胀的养老金计划 verb 1 proofsth to put a special substance on sth, especially cloth, to protect it against water, fire, etc. 给(织物等)做防护处理;使防水(或防火等) proofed canvas 做过防水处理的帆布 2 proofsth to produce a test copy of a piece of printed work so that mistakes can be corrected 印…的校样 colour proofing 印彩色校样 proof / pruːf ; NAmE pruːf /
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