profile 英 [ˈprəʊfaɪl]   美 [ˈproʊfaɪl]


profile  英 [ˈprəʊfaɪl] 美 [ˈproʊfaɪl]

n. 侧面;轮廓;外形;剖面;简况  vt. 描…的轮廓;扼要描述  vi. 给出轮廓 

进行时:profiling  过去式:profiled  过去分词:profiled  第三人称单数:profiles  名词复数:profiles 

I like to profile people in what they are doing and how they can help others. 我喜欢以人们正在做的事儿和他们帮助别人的方式来描述他人。
You can then export this profile so that other users can simply import the profile. 您可以输出这个轮廓,这样其他用户仅仅只需要输入这个轮廓即可。

  • If a magazine editor asks you to write a profile of an up-and-coming novelist, she's asking you to write a biographical sketch, to give the readers a sense of the novelist as a person.
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  • n. 侧面;轮廓;外形;剖面;简况
  • vt. 描…的轮廓;扼要描述
  • vi. 给出轮廓
  • 1. I like to profile people in what they are doing and how they can help others.


  • 2. You can then export this profile so that other users can simply import the profile.


  • 3. profile class and enumerations are not supported in this release; therefore, they do not show up in the wizard.


  • profile (n.) 1650s, "a drawing of the outline of anything," from older Italian profilo "a drawing in outline," from profilare "to draw in outline," from pro "forth" (from PIE root *per- (1) "forward") + filare "draw out, spin," from Late Latin filare "to spin, draw out a line," from filum "thread" (from PIE root *gwhi- "thread, tendon"). Meaning "a side view" is from 1660s. Meaning "biographical sketch, character study" is from 1734.
  • profile (v.) 1715, "to represent in profile," from profile (n.) or Italian profilare. Meaning "to summarize a person in writing" is from 1948. Related: Profiled; profiling.
pro·file / ˈprəʊfaɪl ; NAmE ˈproʊfaɪl / noun , verb profile profiles profiled profiling noun 1 the outline of a person's face when you look from the side, not the front 面部的侧影;侧面轮廓 his strong profile 他轮廓清晰的侧影 a picture of the president in profile 总统的侧面画像 2 a description of sb/sth that gives useful information 概述;简介;传略 a job/employee profile 工作╱雇员简介 We first build up a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements. 首先,我们建立起我们的客户及其需求的详细资料。 You can update your Facebook profile (= your description of yourself on a social networkingwebsite). 你可以更新你在“脸谱”网站上的个人资料。 3 the general impression that sb/sth gives to the public and the amount of attention they receive 印象;形象 The deal will certainly raise the company's international profile. 这宗交易肯定会提高这家公司的国际形象。 4 the edge or outline of sth that you see against a background 外形;轮廓 the profile of the tower against the sky 天空映衬出塔楼的轮廓 IDIOM a ˌhigh/ˌlow ˈprofile the amount of attention sb/sth has from the public 惹人╱不惹人注目;高╱低姿态 This issue has had a high profile in recent months. 近几个月来,这个议题一直是关注的焦点。 I advised her to keep a low profilefor the next few days (= not to attract attention). 我建议她未来几天保持低姿态。 verb profilesb/sth to give or write a description of sb/sth that gives the most important information 扼要介绍;概述;写简介 His career is profiled in this month's journal. 这期月刊概述了他的工作生涯。 pro·file / ˈprəʊfaɪl ; NAmE ˈproʊfaɪl /
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