probation 英 [prəˈbeɪʃn]   美 [proʊˈbeɪʃn]


probation  英 [prəˈbeɪʃn] 美 [proʊˈbeɪʃn]

n. 试用;缓刑;查验 


For every dollar Michigan spends on prison, it only spends 10 cents on probation and parole. 密歇根每花1美元的钱在监狱上的同时,就要花10美分在缓刑和假释上。
Since that DUI charge violated her Los Angeles probation,Rodriguez was sentenced to 60 days in jail but was released less than 24 hours later due toover crowding. 由于那次醉酒驾驶违反了她在洛杉矶的缓刑,罗德里格兹被判入狱60天但是在后来不到24小时由于过度拥挤(?

  • A probation is a period of time when a criminal needs to be on their best behavior: they're not in jail (yet or anymore) but they have to do certain things demanded by the court.
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  • n. 试用;缓刑;查验
  • 1. For every dollar Michigan spends on prison, it only spends 10 cents on probation and parole.


  • 2. Since that DUI charge violated her Los Angeles probation,Rodriguez was sentenced to 60 days in jail but was released less than 24 hours later due toover crowding.


  • probation (n.) early 15c., "trial, experiment, test," from Old French probacion "proof, evidence" (14c., Modern French probation) and directly from Latin probationem (nominative probatio) "approval, assent; a proving, trial, inspection, examination," noun of action from past participle stem of probare "to test" (see prove). Meaning "testing of a person's conduct" (especially as a trial period for membership) is from early 15c.; theological sense first recorded 1520s; criminal justice sense is recorded by 1866. As a verb from 1640s. Related: Probationer; probationary.
pro·ba·tion / prəˈbeɪʃn ; NAmE proʊˈbeɪʃn / noun [uncountable ] 1 ( law ) a system that allows a person who has committed a crime not to go to prison if they behave well and if they see an official (called a probation officer ) regularly for a fixed period of time 缓刑制;缓刑 The prisoner was put on probation. 犯人已获缓刑。 He was given two years' probation. 他被判缓刑两年。 2 a time of training and testing when you start a new job to see if you are suitable for the work 试用期;见习期;考察期 a period of probation 试用期 3 ( NAmE) a fixed period of time during which a student who has behaved badly or not worked hard must improve their work or their behaviour 试读,试读期(为表现未如理想的学生而设) pro·ba·tion·ary / prəˈbeɪʃnri ; NAmE proʊˈbeɪʃəneri / adjective a probationary period 试用期 young probationary teachers 年轻的见习教师 pro·ba·tion / prəˈbeɪʃn ; NAmE proʊˈbeɪʃn / pro·ba·tion·ary / prəˈbeɪʃnri ; NAmE proʊˈbeɪʃəneri /
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