probable 英 [ˈprɒbəbl]   美 [ˈprɑbəbl]


probable  英 [ˈprɒbəbl] 美 [ˈprɑbəbl]

adj. 很可能的  n. 很可能的事 


the probable cause, the probable explanation ,the probable outcome 可能的原因╱解释╱结果
highly probable,quite probable,most probable 极其╱相当╱最可能的

  • If it's probable, then odds are it's going to come true. If rain is probable this weekend, you shouldn't plan a picnic.
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  • adj. 很可能的
  • n. 很可能的事
  • 1. the probable cause, the probable explanation ,the probable outcome


  • 2. highly probable,quite probable,most probable


  • 3. It is probable that the disease has a genetic element.


  • probable (adj.) late 14c., from Old French probable "provable, demonstrable" (14c.), from Latin probabilis "worthy of approval, pleasing, agreeable, acceptable; provable, that may be assumed to be believed, credible," from probare "to try, to test" (see prove). Probable cause as a legal term is attested from 1670s.
prob·able / ˈprɒbəbl ; NAmE ˈprɑːbəbl / adjective , noun probable probables adjective likely to happen, to exist or to be true 很可能发生(或存在等)的 the probable cause/explanation/outcome 可能的原因╱解释╱结果 highly/quite/most probable 极其╱相当╱最可能的 It is probable thatthe disease has a genetic element. 这种疾病很可能有遗传因素。 compare improbable noun probable(for sth) ( especially BrE) a person or an animal that is likely to win a race or to be chosen for a team 可能获胜的人(或动物);可能入选者 prob·able / ˈprɒbəbl ; NAmE ˈprɑːbəbl /
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